...and good riddance

At times it’s the easiest thing in the world to miss what’s right under your nose. What’s being missed right now concerning the Democrat presidential campaign is how it’s resulting in the complete collapse of the Democrat political hierarchy of the past three decades.

It’s not just Biden or Mrs. Vice President Harris-Emhoff. Biden, needless to say, is a lost man no matter how the election goes – and in truth, was lost long before 2020. If there’s one thing we can be sure of, it’s that Joe Biden will have no political status whatsoever in this country from this point on. Republicans – and most independents – are disgusted, while, having no further use for him, the Dems will simply drop him.

The same is true of Mrs. Harris. This campaign has hit the reefs. Every day brings a new scandal or faux pas. The accusations – of plagiarism, girlfriend beating, child molestation, what have you – are coming so thick and fast that it’s difficult to get a clear picture of one before the next goes shooting past. If this continues, it will be a cold dawn for the Dems on November 6. And the donks are not kind to serious losers. Little was ever heard from Fritz Mondale after 1984 or Michael Dukakis after 1988.

Which brings us to the icons, the grey eminences acting as elder statesman to the people’s party. In a desperate attempt to rescue Harris, the Democrats have trotted out two of their three living onetime presidents (It wouldn’t surprise me to see Jimmy appear next). Both have dropped the ball and retreated.

First is the shockingly deteriorated Bill Clinton. I truly did not recognize him in the footage I saw, forcing me to look two and even three times. It’s anybody’s guess whether the AIDS rumors are true, but what can’t be argued is that the once reigning Alpha of the western world is in sad shape. It’s hard to say whether he simply lost the thread Biden-style or was actually speaking independently for once in his life, but he truly did publicly accuse the administration of importing criminals across the border, admitting – in defiance of every left-wing talking point on immigration – that unchecked illegal immigration has led to murders across the country.  Get that man a cheeseburger.

And here we have the grandmaster himself, emerged from his bunker at Belmont Road N.W. to lecture the bros on their responsibility toward Harris. Raised as he was in Indonesia and Hawaii, Barack Obama is the farthest thing in the world from a “typical American black.” Detroit proved it. Though he put on his best schoolmarm act, the brothers weren’t having any. They’re not going to be fooled twice by a fake “black candidate,” no matter how many accents she might come up with, mon. Little has been seen of Barry since this debacle. Messiahs are held to different standards than everyday pols. Once he takes that false step, once he reveals that he’s only human after all, that’s the end. This is one Lightbringer who has been brought down to earth at last. Hallelujah.

So where does this leave the Democrats? It looks to be a clean sweep to me. It’s like bowling a strike – Harris isn’t simply dropping alone, but is taking all the rest of the pins down with her. Who is left standing? Who leads the party in the dramatic Armageddon struggle against the Orange Beelzebub? Nancy? Schumer? Whitmer? Newsom? I see rough days ahead for the Dems.

Hope there’s more of this coming. I’m enjoying myself.

Image: AT via Magic Studio


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