Am I upset? Damn right, I am

Eric, you seem a tad upset these days, some have said.


I wonder if it's because countless children are having their genitals mutilated, many on the taxpayer dime.

Or because needless wars are going on in various places around the world, wars that should have been prevented by a little integrity, strength and willpower.

I wonder if it's because hundreds -- perhaps thousands -- have been jailed for just hanging around the ‘People's House’ and protesting an election that they thought was clearly stolen.

I wonder if it's because the likes of Ashli Babbitt were shot and killed by a cowardly, faceless Capitol Police officer who got promoted after the murder.

I wonder if it's because concerned parents, Christians and patriots are being labeled ‘domestic terrorists,’ while actual terrorists and the likes of BLM and Antifa are being coddled, funded, and allowed to roam free.

I wonder if it's because one political party says it has to save democracy by attacking, imprisoning, or killing members of the opposing political party, of which I happen to be a member.

I wonder if it could be because of any of that?

What's more, I wonder if it could be because so many won't vote for a candidate who has put out what they call ‘mean tweets,’ but will vote for those who are pro war -- and in favor of the genital mutilation of kids, the illegal alien invasion, throwing the innocent into jail while freeing the guilty, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

Or, possibly, the fact that the candidate charged with the allegedly ‘mean tweets’ was typically (allegedly) ‘mean tweeting’ about those doing the mutilating, imprisoning, and killing!

And that so many despise the alleged ‘mean tweeter’ to such an extent that they are willing to vote for the pro kid’s genital mutilation, pro imprisoning and killing one’s political opponents’ candidate … whose tweets are allegedly slightly less mean-spirited.

I wonder if it might be because of any of that?

In any case, I wouldn't trust anyone who has so little sanity, character, integrity, and backbone that they are not a little bit peeved about now.

And the kicker is, the opponents of the allegedly mean-spirited candidate baselessly — and ceaselessly — call him Hitler. And Stalin. And Mussolini. And label his supporters as ‘fascists’ and domestic terrorists. That is far more than mean-spirited. It is slander. It is disgusting. It is insane. And it must be shocking and painful to those whose families had loved ones imprisoned, tortured, or killed by the monstrous tyrants. And remember, it is Trump’s opponents who have tried to cancel, imprison, and assassinate him, not the other way around.

Less than 40 years ago, the United States stood tall against the Evil Empire, to the benefit of the entire world. Now, far too many of those currently comprising its government are evildoers themselves…to the detriment of the entire world.

‘Upsetting?’ I sure as hell hope so.

Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License



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