A third Trump assassination attempt?

Common sense says you don't show up to a Trump rally with loaded guns in your car.

And you especially don't do it if you have a fake press pass, a stolen license plate, no auto registration, and multiple passports under different names.

It may be that the whacko who was picked up for doing just that at President Trump's Coachella rally out in the California desert had absolutely no common sense. He says he's a Trump supporter. Or, he could have been up to no good, wanting to make a name for himself, just like the other two.

The only thing that's good about this incident is that the Riverside County Sheriff was on the ball here and stopped Vem Miller in his tracks before anyone could find out.

According to the Riverside Press-Enterprise:

A Las Vegas man was arrested with guns and fake I.D.s about a quarter mile from former President Donald Trump’s campaign rally in Coachella Valley, Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco said Sunday. But while the sheriff called the arrest a thwarted assassination attempt, the man told a reporter he is a Trump supporter who bought the guns for his own safety and notified police at a checkpoint that they were in the trunk of his car.

Deputies assigned to Trump’s rally said the driver, Vem Miller, rolled up in a black SUV to a checkpoint at the intersection of Avenue 52 and Celebration Drive around 5 p.m. on Saturday. He was found to be in illegal possession of a shotgun, loaded handgun, and a high-capacity magazine, Bianco said. He added that Miller’s car had a fake license plate and was unregistered.

The federal authorities have said that Trump was not in danger, and Miller was taken to the county clink and later released on $5,000 bail for his various violations, his date with the judge scheduled for Jan. 2.

 CNN reported:

A man was arrested on state gun charges Saturday near Donald Trump’s rally in California, but the former president “was not in any danger,” the US Secret Service said in a joint statement with the FBI and the Department of Justice.

The man, who authorities say was illegally possessing a shotgun, a loaded handgun and a high-capacity magazine, was able to gain access to an initial perimeter near the rally in Coachella, Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco said Sunday.

Once the man, identified by the sheriff as 49-year-old Vem Miller of Las Vegas, made it to the second perimeter, authorities realized some “irregularities,” Bianco said. The interior of the car was in disarray, the vehicle was unregistered, and it had a fake license plate, according to Bianco.

As federal authorities said he wasn't a problem, Miller claimed he was a Trump "supporter," and the whole thing was a big misunderstanding.

County authorities, however, were not so sure:

At an afternoon news conference on Sunday, [Riverside County Sheriff Chad] Bianco bristled when a reporter suggested the sheriff’s statement that Miller planned to kill Trump was “dramatic.”

Said Bianco: “If you are asking me right now, I probably did have deputies that prevented the third assassination attempt. If we are that politically lost that we have lost sight of common sense and reality and reason that we can’t say ‘Holy crap, why’d he show up with all that stuff for and loaded guns?’ and I am going to be accused of being dramatic? We have a serious, serious problem in this country. Because this is common sense and reason.”

At one point, Bianco called Miller “a lunatic.”

When he learned of the arrest, Bianco said, “My first thought was we did everything right. It worked.

“I certainly didn’t want to be saying after the fact: ‘I wish we had done something to prevent that shooting,’ ” he said. “There is absolutely no way any of us are going to truly know what was in his head.”

It's telling that the guys who caught this guy were local cops, same as the police sniper who took out the first would-be assassin in Pennsylvania while the Secret Service did nothing, and the local cops who picked up the second would-be sniper in Florida, scooping up three misfits, at least two of whom were trying to kill Trump, while the third was irresponsible in the extreme with his loaded firearms at a minimum.

I've partied with Riverside County sheriffs in Lake Elsinore in the past, I know how right-wing and pro-Trump they are. They know nonsense when they see it and they step in to stop it immediately. It didn't surprise me a bit to hear that they caught this guy and hauled him in before he could create problems.

As for Miller, 'weirdo' is a good word for him, obsessed as he is with the Bundy Ranch case on his 'America Happens,' news website (is that like S*** Happens?), his posing next to GOP figure after GOP figure in pictures like a groupie -- and a picture of the Jan. 6 guy who wore horns -- and in the strange extended and often specious explanations he has given for his actions.

According to the New York Post:

A “shocked” Miller quickly slammed his arrest, as well as the sheriff’s claim he was plotting to assassinate Trump, as “bulls–t.”

“These accusations are complete bulls–t,” Miller told the Southern California News Group. “I’m an artist, I’m the last person that would cause any violence and harm to anybody.”

Miller, who insisted he was unaware of the different gun laws between Nevada and California, said he was invited to the rally by the head of the Clark County GOP — and was wearing a Trump shirt and hat when he ran into authorities at the checkpoint.

He claimed in an interview with Fox News that he brought in the weapons for personal protection because of death threats he’s received since launching his America Happens Network.

“I always travel around with my firearms in the back of my truck,” he told the outlet, adding that he has “never” shot a gun in his life.

Miller also denied the sheriff’s claim he had a stash of fake passports on him.

“None of those are fake,” he said, adding that he is Armenian and has documents that show his full Armenian name and ones that don’t.

An artist? Really? Like John Wilkes Booth was an artist, or the freak who attacked Nancy Pelosi's husband with a hammer? And owns guns but has never fired them? Color me skeptical. Why did he buy them, then? He said 'California's dangerous' as if Nevada is not. His self-justifications are just so amazingly sophomoric it reminds me of Jonathan Pollard lecturing his judge with poetic and mythic drivel at his sentencing for spying for Israel instead of saying he was sorry. I'd be curious if, like the hammer guy who attacked Paul Pelosi, he had a fondness for illegal drugs.

It's just gross to hear someone excuse himself for bad behavior in these extended rants -- entering a Trump rally with guns and a fake press pass, and even reportedly telling the cops he had the loaded guns, "as a courtesy" he claimed, assuming that being a member of the press would excuse any behavior. His extended Rumble blather can be heard here.

I applied for a press pass at Coachella, too, and they rejected me.

Coachella press pass denial to Trump rally

Did I go make a fake press pass to get in in response? No, nobody decent does that. I took it in stride and stayed home.

So when I hear about these elaborate actions this weirdo took to get in, with his guns, I have a hard time believing him. I think he was up to something nefarious. It's not as much the gun as all the dishonest other things the Sheriff says he was involved in, like the fake entry documents. And who the heck carries multiple passports with different names around with him to a Trump rally? Was he a traveling gypsy with all his possessions in his wagon?

He does have his defenders on the right who say the Sheriff lied about this and that and in any case, got the wrong guy. Maybe he was just stupid. But a decent investigation is warranted in this, as well as a certain amount of punishment for the various violations cited.

Might that be a cover for an assassin? I think the Riverside County cops were right to be suspicious.

Thank goodness there were local workaday cops there in Riverside who don't take kindly to creative poetry drivel and posturing and preening from would-be egomaniacs with auteur complexes, and they were skeptically watching for these kinds of stunts, full flatfoot cops who don't take guff from nuts and just do their jobs, or there could have been tragedy.

Image: Twitter screen shot


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