A homage to Donald Trump

No one in the history of civilization has been attacked as relentlessly, by such a phalanx of powerful forces, and for as long as Donald Trump. No other person in history could have withstood that onslaught.

Leaders have been hated before, but the intensity of hatred for Donald Trump is unprecedented.

The characteristics that lead his enemies to despise him are the same ones that cause his supporters to love him -- fearlessness, optimism, gratitude, creativity, humor, competence, authenticity, love for his country, joy, and a bottomless reservoir of energy. Trump is everything Kamala is not.

Trump’s skin is as thick and tough as a rhinoceros’s. Democrats and their progressive confederates have skins as thin as crepe paper. They are cowards and weaklings. They demand “safe spaces,” “preferred pronouns,” and cannot deal with opposing opinions. They cower behind censorship and “cancel culture.”

For at least a hundred different times Trump’s enemies have been sure they’ve rid themselves of their accursed nemesis -- “access Hollywood,” the two impeachments, the countless lawsuits, the “fine people” hoax, ad nauseam.

Each time Trump was not only still standing, he had more supporters than ever. All their desperate, incompetent attempts blew up in their faces like Hezb’allah pagers. They ended up making fools of themselves. Through it all Trump has remained the happy warrior.

Trump is a total mystery to his enemies. They do not understand him because they can only see him through a distorting prism of hatred. They fabricate hoaxes to justify that hatred.

The most obvious cause for their hatred is that Trump represents a true existential threat to them. He has made no secret of his intentions to do everything he can to destroy the deep-state, wokism, socialism, bloated government, globalism, and what Steve Hilton calls “incompetism.” Based on his first term, they know he will probably succeed. He has already succeeded in reinventing the Republican Party.  

An apropos description of Donald Trump comes from Shakespeare.

In the play Julius Caesar, when Caesar is asked if he worries about rumors of an assassination plot, he answers:

Cowards die many times before their deaths; but the valiant taste of death but once. Of all the wonders I have yet heard, it seems to me most strange that men should fear; seeing that death, a necessary end, will come when it will come.

Every day I thank God that Donald Trump is alive at the same time I am. I pray that he’s reelected and that he outlives me.

Ron Ross Ph.D. is a former economics professor, author of The Unbeatable Market, and a member of the CO2 Coalition. He can be reached a rossecon@aol.com. His 2019 “Donald Trump’s Art of the Strategy” is here.

Image: Gage Skidmore

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