WaPo: Kamala is joy, Trump is misery

Everyone should recognize that the WaPo is a propagandist rag; here is an unadulterated piece of garbage from the editorial board as they campaign for Kamala:

Harris and Trump are different. They need to explain how different.

With two months to Election Day, the candidates are just getting started.

Almost immediately, the authors make this accusation:

Mr. Trump has chosen to make ‘American carnage,’ the term he coined in his 2017 inaugural address, his guiding theme. 

Yet somehow, they didn’t describe the carnage that Biden and Harris have inflicted upon the United States and the world over the past four years. I guess we are supposed to ignore history and pretend it didn’t happen.

We are also supposed to ignore that Trump gave the world peace and prosperity—he especially helped the poor and middle classes with low inflation and rapidly rising real wages.

The progressive energy and spending policies of Kamala Harris have caused high inflation everywhere—remember she was the deciding vote on the Inflation “Reduction” Act. The Democrats have given Russia and Iran the ability to finance wars and terrorism with high crude oil prices, and their open border policies have been destroying the United States since the day they took office.

But, Harris is the “joyful” candidate:

Already, some differences between her and former president Donald Trump are stark. Ms. Harris offers an optimistic view of the country and its future and has largely refused to respond to Mr. Trump’s jabs.

Kamala’s “optimistic” view consists of lying; she continually lies that the U.S. will not survive if Trump is elected, because she continually lies that Trump is a dictator. A nation where illegals seize control of apartment complexes? Where people can’t afford groceries? Where the prospect of home ownership for ordinary Americans is rapidly evaporating? That’s an “optimistic” future?

Trump’s “pessimistic” view is when he tells the truth about the damage that Kamala has caused with her big government policies, which would only worsen with four more years.

“In character, style, tone, outlook, dignity, and, yes, race and gender, the two candidates are distinct.”

I see nothing dignified in Kamala’s refusal to meet with the press or her treatment of Trump and his supporters. It is nice that the WaPo can recognize that Trump and Harris are of a different race and “gender” as many Democrats have trouble distinguishing between the sexes.

They continue:

The distinctions between them on policy substance, however, are somewhat fuzzier. Aside from certain specifics — such as building the border wall, conducting mass deportations and raising tariffs — Mr. Trump has never detailed much of an agenda.

I find Trump to be very specific. He wants to drill, drill, drill, to reduce inflation. He wants fewer regulations, and he wants to enforce the border. Lower energy prices solve many problems, both at home and abroad. He intends to end the war in Ukraine, and he wants to enforce peace through strength. Kamala’s campaign website still lacks policies or a platform, while Trump’s can be found here. Oh, but apparently there’s a reason for the secrecy:

As for Ms. Harris, the charitable view is that she has had little time to develop detailed proposals. The less generous take is that she wants to avoid revealing many specifics, lest she alienate one constituency or another. Coasting on ‘vibes’ has worked well for her so far; she has taken a slim lead in national polling, and surveys suggest she has become competitive in all the battleground states.

Kamala wants to hide what she has said and done because her policies are so unpopular and destructive. The only reason “vibes” have worked so far is because of suck-ups in the media like the WaPo hiding the truth while they campaign for her. Of course, they’re the same people who hid Biden and the truth in 2020 also.

Neither candidate has a plan to right the country’s escalating debt trajectory. Though on this score, Mr. Trump presents a more troubling agenda; the University of Pennsylvania’s Penn Wharton Budget Model reckons that he would add $5.8 trillion to the primary deficit over a decade, while Ms. Harris would add only $1.2 trillion.

This is a pure B.S. paragraph. These studies pretend that Trump’s lower tax rates that have raised trillions will suddenly cost trillions if they continue. Then they pretend that all of Kamala’s tax hikes, including on unrealized capital gains will actually raise trillions and not destroy asset prices and the economy.

Though specifics are light, Ms. Harris is plotting a wiser course. She is right to emphasize boosting housing supply, the key to lowering housing costs, and to propose enhancing effective anti-poverty programs such as the child tax credit and the earned-income tax credit. Unlike Mr. Trump, she acknowledges the fact of climate change, does not threaten Justice Department independence and seeks robust protections for reproductive rights.

Saying Kamala is wise shows how nuts the WaPo is. Her housing subsidy would not lower prices and Trump’s policies pushed poverty to record lows. Giving people the opportunity to move up is the way to reduce poverty, not by making more people dependent on the government.

And, it is the Obama, Biden, and Harris administrations that have politicized the Justice Department, not Trump.

As for reproductive “rights,” Kamala wants abortion on demand just like China and North Korea. If WaPo staff had an honest bone in their bodies, they would admit that Trump’s proposal of a 14-week limit on almost all abortions is what most people want.

It is a lie to say that Trump doesn’t believe in climate change. He just understands that there is no evidence that our use of oil causes it.

On foreign policy, Ms. Harris has drawn perhaps her clearest differences with Mr. Trump. She has applauded Mr. Biden’s work to strengthen U.S. alliances such as NATO, promised to stand with Ukraine and defended emphatically America’s traditional leadership role in the world. Mr. Trump’s vice-presidential nominee, Sen. JD Vance (Ohio), shares the former president’s neo-isolationist worldview. Trump’s choice of Mr. Vance suggests he would continue to challenge traditional alliances while going easy on rivals such as Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Trump forced NATO members to pay, and he held Russia and Iran to account—Biden and Harris only fortify our adversaries.

In other words, the substantive contrasts Ms. Harris draws with Mr. Trump generally make her look better.

Ms. Harris says she wants to elevate American politics, an imperative that Mr. Trump has again shown little interest in. She therefore has an opportunity to lift up her campaign by going deep on substance.

The media, Harris and other Democrats trash Trump and his supporters every day. They can’t stand women and minorities who support Trump.

The choice is easy; Harris, who wants the government to be all powerful, and Trump, who wants the people to be the ones in power, just like the founding fathers intended.

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