Vexing questions about sex, the CCP, population decline, and more

Those who love to read but eschew lies and smears have time on their hands these days to contemplate life’s mysteries. A short list of mysteries worthy of contemplation might include the following five:

Mystery #1: Why would the Olympics give a medal to a man for beating up a woman?

Mystery #2: Why would a woman climb into a boxing ring with a man?

Mystery#3: Why does the Chinese Communist Party fear Falun Gong (aka, “Falun Dafa”). We all know the CCP hates Falun Gong and persecutes it, even to the extent of worldwide “fox hunt” operations. We also know that fear is behind this persecution.

The question, though, is what drives this fear? It surely couldn’t be solely because Falun Gong proclaims “Truth, Compassion, and Forbearance.”

This is indeed a mystery and a tantalizing mystery. Contemplating the mystery, though, isn’t merely idle curiosity for answering “Why does the CPP fear Falun Gong?” will surely reveal some exploitable vulnerability in the CPP.

Image by AI

Mystery#4: Why won’t Pennsylvania have the final results of the November election ready on election night?

Oops! Sorry! Misplaced question! Mystery solved! Election eve ends at midnight, but the big switcheroo is scheduled for 3 a.m.

Mystery#5: Where are the weddings?

For the last several years, the Asian soap opera websites Kocowa and Rakuten Viki have streamed Korean, Chinese, Japanese, and Vietnamese dramas in the “romantic comedy” category (think Fred MacMurray and Claudette Colbert). In these movies, it used to be that boy and girl would circle each other while stumbling over countless obstacles (including family and friends). In the end, though, love prevailed, followed by a wedding. This has long been the traditional formula for the “romantic comedy” script.

However, there has been a sea change over the past couple of years. Today, the budding relationship proceeds as before through trials and tribulations to reach love at last, except now love no longer ends in marriage! The weddings have disappeared from the scripts! The net effect is that the drama itself actually has no ending but merely fades away like a fifties rock song. Where did all the weddings go?

Others have noted this also. Is this a harbinger? Is this art imitating a future reality of a graying society without children?

It is well-known that mankind faces a planetary population decline. America’s population is projected to begin declining around the year 2050.

The South Korean population is currently dramatically contracting. China and India are also both facing population declines.

We were forewarned. Some of us can vividly recollect the caller complaining to Rush about the effect on society of Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique, “But. Rush, women aren’t women anymore!”

Is mankind on the cusp of a planetary extinction?

Perhaps there is just a big misunderstanding. When a mother used to give her daughter a solemn warning that women are the appointed guardians of the Divine treasure trove of human eggs, I suspect that locking those eggs away forever probably isn’t the message she was trying to convey.

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