Taylor Swift and the princely class

There’s an old saying: “Nothing in the human world grows unless the political soil underneath it is very well fertilized.”

Taylor Swift has never been a musician. She has never been a singer. She has always been a political creation. The forces that created her career, although created over a long period of time, have always been political.

What the press or the media never seem to get is her association with an endless support of the elites. The friction between the princely class, which has enormous power, and the basket of deplorables (you and me), who support Trump is at the core of the divisions that are so raw and visceral at this time, and this source is almost never acknowledged by the media, believing that not allowing it to be heard will make it go away.

There is very real contempt of the power of the princely class as they incessantly abuse their power and attack Trump and forever punch down, belittle, demonize, and humiliate average Allen and average Anne.

The princely class believes they are permanent, and nothing can oppose them. They are arrogant, detest the American people, and believe the American people have no right to oppose their rule.

This is where the rub comes from, and it is almost never acknowledged. Of course, Taylor Swift would claim she has every right to express her views. However, do you have her media power? Can you be heard? Doesn’t she despise Trump because he has dared to challenge an omnipotent elite?

There must be reform here. What I see is media power being abused to keep the American people in line and preventing we lowlifes who don’t get it from ever having any say when compared to the whopping media power of those who have the microphones.

Media power may be the primary form of power in our modern times. Taylor Swift is a princess who spits on Trump and his supporters. Maybe she does not realize what she is doing, but naivete is no excuse.

Image: AT via Magic Studio

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