Seriously, no one trusts the media

Do you find yourself despising the nation’s socialist media even more than usual?  A recent piece in Axios indicates that you are in an overwhelming — but secret — majority these days.  That shouldn’t be surprising, given the circumstances of a media establishment that has massively abused our trust.  But it’s also something to consider when evaluating what is going on and why the state of the 2024 race for president is being spun a certain way.

The benefit of hindsight helps us understand that the last-minute un-democratic coup and the sudden changing of Komrade Kamala for Biden were the obvious plan.  Thus, the shortened campaign sprint is a feature, not a bug in that it helps the nation’s socialist media hide her from the people.  The outlines of the plan are clear enough when you look back over the events of the past few months, with the media playing a key role in the fraud.

All of this at least partially explains a recent piece in Axios entitled “America’s secret opinions,” going a long way in channeling Captain Obvious: whereas 42% of Democrats and 16% of Republicans say they trust the media to tell the truth, in reality, only 9% and 3% really believe this.

There are stark gaps between what Americans say they think and what they really think about hot-button political issues, a new study finds.

Why it matters: Politicians and institutions take cues and shape policies based on public opinion — but these stated opinions might not truly reflect what people want.

  • 61% of Americans admit to “self-silencing” — keeping their true opinions on sensitive topics to themselves.

Zoom in: Populace, a Massachusetts think tank, and YouGov polled Americans to gauge their public and private views on topics like trust in government, gun control, higher education and the border.

How it works: Respondents were provided a mix of traditional polling questions and other questions using a list experiment method, or item-count technique, that provides them with a greater sense of anonymity.

  • This process allows researchers to find the gap between what people say versus how they privately feel.

1. Trust in institutions is already low. But in private, even fewer Americans say they trust government and media. Some gaps are even wider among subgroups.

  • 36% of Democrats and 14% of Republicans say they trust government to tell the truth, but just 5% and 2% agree with this statement privately.
  • 42% of Democrats and 16% of Republicans say they trust the media to tell the truth. Just 9% and 3% really believe this.

2. Perceptions of fairness are also critically low, says Todd Rose, CEO of Populace. 37% of Americans say the country is mostly fair publicly. Just 7% privately think so.

  • Historically, this sort of sentiment is what makes societies socially and politically volatile — and even precedes revolutions, says Rose.

Your first reaction was likely that 3% is still pretty high, but we’ll set that aside for now.  What is truly interesting is that the 9% of lefties who trust the media closely corresponds to the 8% far-left Activists in the Hidden tribe’s study from a few years ago — they’re hearing what they want from the media, so they think it’s “truthful.”

This could explain why this race still seems to be “close.”  Oliver Wiseman of the Free Press wrote that “Trump Should Be Beating Harris by a Mile,” and he chalks up part of the reason for the opposite to the Trump campaign making mistakes.  It’s a fair point, but the fact is that the media are massively distorting the press environment.  Studies have shown that whereas coverage of Donald Trump has been almost entirely negative, Komrade Kamala has been enjoying a multi-month tongue bath.

Consider that with the incredibly one-sided nature of the national socialist media, most people in the middle won’t hear of any bad economic tidings: “A key US consumer indicator that has dipped to ‘crisis levels,” or “2 under-the-radar recession signals that are flashing red this month.”  Even Joe Biden assured the “ladies” of The View that Kamala’s record is his record, and she is directly connected to the current administration as the vice president.  They certainly won’t want to mention that consumer confidence has hit a three-year low, as Americans struggle with inflation — brought on by money-printing to buy votes, along with other economic dangers such as a looming port strike.  It’s no wonder that Gallup reports that the 2024 Election Environment is Favorable to the GOP.

Strangely enough, although the illegal invasion is a big issue, along with inflation and the sheer insanity of the last three and a half years of the Biden/Harris regime — note the “Harris” part of that — Komrade Kamala is mum on her past pledge for “DREAMers.”  No one voted for the invasion, yet the Vice President doesn’t want to speak on the issue, and naturally, the media are providing cover for what could be a big problem.  Then there are the many videos of her from over the years that show her totalitarian tendencies.  And for some reason, “Comrade Kamala” memes are spreading among Latino exiles.   

Given all these factors, why do they keep repeating the mantra that “The Election Is Getting Down to the Wire”?

Why is it important for the national socialist media to hammer this point home?  Anyone looking at the polls can easily guess that, so why keep repeating it?  The polling and predictions have been all over the place, and you do have to wonder why they are so divergent.

At least for one side, this whole campaign has been one big façade, a gaslighting operation unparalleled at any time.  We have a fake, inauthentic presidential candidate, along with the same in a vice presidential candidate, and fake events and “interviews,” so why not a fake media narrative to go along with everything else?

What would be the purpose of all of this? Why produce an inauthentic campaign and keep up the pretense of a close race?  We know they lie and we can’t trust them, so why are they lying about this?  Why are they shredding their last minuscule scraps of credibility for this cause?  

Could it be that they need to pretend it’s close so they have a shot at cheating their way to victory?

D Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, former director of communications for a civil rights organization, and a long-time contributor to conservative websites.  Find him on Substack.

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