Queen Canute

In earlier times, the king was an absolute monarch with a divine right to rule.  In order to please the king, many courtiers resorted to flattery.  King Canute was told by some of his courtiers that he had the divine power to stop the rising tide.  He knew that this was wrong.  In order to teach his courtiers a lesson, he took them to the beach and commanded the rising tide to stop.  Of course, it did not.

Today, the U.S. president is elected by the people and no longer has the divine right to rule.  The courtiers have been replaced by a vast army of deep state civil servants that want to keep their jobs, paid for by U.S. taxpayers.  When budget cuts threatened their paychecks, some of these bureaucrats working on climate related policies chose to use fear instead of flattery.  They exploited the mathematical warming artifacts created by oversimplified climate models to establish the Imperial Cult of the Global Warming Apocalypse.  The fires of hell were replaced by the threat of an overheated planet.

A cabal of special interest groups has promoted the irrational belief that it is necessary to stop the earth from warming by reducing fossil fuel combustion.  The billionaires and private fund managers that control the dark money flowing through the back doors of power believe that they have the divine right to override the will of the people.  However, they have claimed this divine right by worshiping false gods.  The Net Zero energy policy of today is based on climate modeling fraud.

This fraud started in the 1960s as a scam devised by Syukuro Manabe’s group at the U.S. Weather Bureau.  They decided to “double dip” the funding and work on both weather and climate prediction.  The early climate models created warming as a mathematical artifact in the temperature calculation by using oversimplified assumptions about climate energy transfer.  In 1967, Manabe and colleague Richard Wetherald claimed that a doubling of the atmospheric CO2 concentration would increase the surface temperature of the earth by 2.9 °C.  Manabe’s group soon became trapped in a web of lies of their own making.

When funding was reduced for NASA as the moon landings ended in 1972, there was mission creep.  The planetary atmospheres group was told to switch to earth studies.  To start, they simply copied the fraudulent 1967 Weather Bureau model and created warming artifacts for other greenhouse gases such as methane.  Later, a slab ocean algorithm was added to the model.  This created a simplified flat ocean without wind or waves.  In 1981, the NASA/Hansen model was “tuned” to match a global mean temperature record by adjusting the CO2 concentration, solar intensity, and volcanic aerosols.  This provided the foundation for the pseudoscience of radiative forcings, feedbacks, and climate sensitivity still used in the climate models today.

As funding was reduced for nuclear programs, mission creep spread to the National Labs, reorganized as part of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) in 1977.  Various DOE groups copied the fraudulent climate models and began to “improve” them. Gradually this led to the formation of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) that is now a major source of the invalid climate model results used by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Later, in the Third IPCC Climate Assessment Report published in 2001, the radiative forcings were split into anthropogenic and natural contributions.  It was claimed that the anthropogenic warming artifact created in the climate models could cause an increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events.  This became the mantra of the climate modelers.  As computer technology has improved, the climate models have become more complex, but the fraud is still there, buried under more layers of code.  There are at least seven major errors in the climate models that have never been corrected.

The software code that was created by Manabe’s group has become the religious creed of the Imperial Cult.  Most climate modelers are applied mathematicians or computer programmers with little understanding of the energy transfer processes that determine the surface temperature.  They have chosen to worship the divine pseudoscience of radiative forcings, feedbacks, and climate sensitivity.  They have abandoned logic and reason.  Scientific evidence that contradicts their irrational beliefs has been ignored.  They have become prophets of the Imperial Cult.  The climate models must be tuned to give the desired value for the sacred equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS).  This was initially created by the Holy Code of Manabe to be 2.9 °C.  The real value for the ECS is too small to measure.

Computer generated Prophesies of the Climate Apocalypse have enabled a wide array of special interest groups to open the floodgates of government spending.  Eisenhower’s warning about the corruption of science by government funding has come true.  Instead of stopping the tide, the climate modelers have decreed that their oceans must be flat, without wind or waves.

Kamala Harris has nominated herself as the High Priestess of the Imperial Cult of the Global Warming Apocalypse.  The climate prophets have told her that she can save the planet by taming the false god of CO2.  She has sold her soul to the forces of dark money.  Queen Canute has been told by her courtiers that she has the divine power to cool a flat ocean.  She has chosen to believe them.  Sun, wind and waves control the earth’s climate.  They need no help from CO2.

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