Pope Francis unwittingly endorses Trump for U.S. president

Whether he liked it or not, Pope Francis unwittingly endorsed Donald Trump for president of the U.S.:

In a press conference on his return home from his trip to Southeast Asia, he fumbled around with his position, attempting to equivocate abortion with sending an illegal alien back to his homeland, claiming one was as bad as the other..

According to the Catholic Herald:

Referring to pro-choice candidates and anti-migrant candidates, the Pope said: “Both of them are against life, both the one who throws out migrants and the one who kills children.”

To not welcome migrants “is a sin”, he said, speaking on his Singapore Airlines flight from Singapore to Rome, saying, the Old Testament of the bible offers a clear model of who should be welcomed: “the orphan, the widow, and the stranger”.

“They are the ones that the people of Israel had to protect. Those who don’t protect the migrant are lacking, it’s a sin. It’s also a sin against the life of those people,” he said, recalling how during his visit to the United States in 2015 he celebrated Mass in El Paso, near the US-Mexico border.

Francis said he saw the shoes of many migrants who attempted to cross into the United States, but whose journey “ended badly there.”

“Today there is a migration flow inside Central America who at times is treated like slaves, because they are profited from. Immigration is a right, a right that is in sacred scripture,” he said.

On abortion, the Pope said science proves that within a month after conception, a foetus has all of the organs contained in the human body.

“To have an abortion is to kill a human being. You like the word, or you don’t like it, but it is to kill,” he said, saying the Church’s position against abortion does not mean that it is “closed” but rather: “The Church does not allow an abortion because it is to kill, it’s an assassination, it’s an assassination, and we must have things clear on this.”

To send migrants away, he said, is “something terrible, there is evil there. To send away a child from the womb of the mother is an assassination, because there is life.”

“We must speak about these things clearly,” he said, saying there are no “buts” involved.

The difference, of course, is one of these people dies and gets cut up and sold for parts, while the other remains alive and free to apply to migrate legally to the United States or a plethora of other countries from his place of citizenship. The U.S. takes in 1 million legal migrants each year so to claim that all the U.S. does is deport migrants is nonsense. He might consider the Vatican's immigration policy, or actually, any other nation's, if he wants get into comparisons about who's stingy about letting migrants in.

To equivocate a grisly death behind closed doors for profit with getting sent back to Honduras after breaking the laws of the country one insists on living in is kind of a no-brainer for voters, which is why a new Pew Research poll shows a majority of church-going Catholics favor Donald Trump for president.

He also conflates the terrible fates migrants meet at the hands of smugglers and human trafficking rackets with rule-of-law actions to stop illegal immigration. That's nonsense, given that open borders are what's causing the carnage among migrants, not border walls and strict deportation policies for lawbreakers. In that regard, President Trump's policies, not Kamala Harris's, are far more humane and pro-life. If people know they can't get in by migrating illegally, they will focus on migrating legally or else staying at home and improving their countries. That is pro-life.

Fact is, there is no such thing as an open border, actually. If the U.S. under the Biden-Harris regime doesn't want to guard its border, Mexico's evil drug cartels will -- and will only permit passage for a price, with the failure to pay, of course, death.

The pope's muddly uncertainty, though, saying he "didn't know" which was worse, was kind of unbecoming of a pope.

On whether it can ever be morally licit for a Catholic to vote for a pro-choice candidate, Pope Francis urged Catholics to vote no matter what.

“In political morality, in general they say that if you don’t vote, it’s not good, it’s bad. You have to vote, and you have to choose the lesser evil. What is the lesser evil? That woman, or that man? I don’t know. Each one, in their conscience, must think,” he said.

Well, we Catholics have thought about it in our consciences, and sure enough, most of us think that being killed and cut up and sold for parts by Planned Parenthood is a lot worse than having to live in the country of one's birth in a non-war setting with democratic voting rights to change one's government if one doesn't like it.

Is being deported to live in some place like Peru or Ghana or Turkey after trying to cut the line to enter the U.S. really a death sentence, no different from being aborted? Millions of people live in these places, yet somehow the pope thinks it's a death sentence, no different from being aborted and tossed into a bloody bucket as "medical waste."

Seems a little extreme. Maybe he can ask the locals in those countries, now that he's out doing international trips, whether life in their countries is the same as a death sentence based on life there not including U.S. green cards.

Like it or not, the answer to the rest of us is pretty clear. Choose the lesser evil, he says. Thanks for that Trump endorsement, Pope Francis.

Image: Screen shot from Forbes Breaking News video, via YouTube


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