Oprah and pals peddle ’decency’ campaign for Harris

Oprah Winfrey and her media pals are falling all over themselves to campaign for VP Kamala Harris.

They are relying on their moral superiority -- and empty platitudes -- to reel in undecided and unaffiliated voters. That is the reason Oprah gave a political endorsement for Harris at the Democratic National Convention that sounded more like she was giving a sermon on the Mount: “Decency and respect are on the ballot in 2024,” she cautioned the crowd. “Character and values most of all.”

Celebrities are not completely clueless: They know its’ best to avoid any substantive endorsement because Harris’s abysmal job performance could never withstand the scrutiny.

Oprah, who can spin a speech as masterfully as Barack Obama, has set the tone to position the Democratic party as a “paragon of decency.” Speeches endorsing the candidate, especially from the former queen of daytime talk shows, are peppered with such words as “kindness,” “compassion,” and (of course) the DEI bombshell of them all, “inclusivity.”

Who would question the righteousness of their cause? Only a barbarian -- like Trump -- would harangue the candidate about her destructive policies (or nonpolicies) at the Southern border, and have the temerity to point not a single policy was listed on her website. (That changed this week due to widespread criticism.)

The closer we get to November, the more the leftists are counting on Hollywood heavyweights and mainstream journalists to pull their candidate across the finish line. The New Republic even opined out loud in a headline what many liberal strategists were murmuring in private: “Kamala Harris Doesn’t Need Policy to Win.”

There is a great deal of momentum behind making that happen.

CNN’s Dana Bush, and her colleagues, are working hard to protect their candidate. Ms. Bash did more than coddle Harris in a recent and much ballyhooed sit-down interview. The candidate didn’t even have an opportunity to sound as herself -- vague and incoherent -- because she wasn’t asked questions about her disastrous policies or shameless flip-flopping on issues.

Bash never got around to asking: Did the candidate really wish to say U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) was comparable to the KKK; or suggest an undocumented immigrant is “not a criminal” to now worrying about enforcing our nation’s borders;” Or did she wish to explain previously calling the border wall “un-American,” to now saying she’s prepared to fund it. Or supporting groups calling for “defunding the police,” to now presenting herself as “tough on crime.” Which is it?

Bash, in fairness, did ask the border czar about the catastrophic events unfolding at the nation’s Southern border. If viewers thought they were going to learn whether Harris supported “decriminalizing illegal entry” into the country, they were wrong.

The candidate proved a puerile dissembler. “Well, first of all, the root causes work that I did as vice president… has actually resulted in a number of benefits, including historic investments by American businesses in that region (Central America),” she replied, evading the question.

“The number of immigrants coming from that region has actually reduced since we began that work.” Harris says. Border agents, undoubtedly, realize the absurdity of Harris’s cherry-picking facts to come up with a bright spot on illegal immigration.

Bash, as expected, failed to do her job and ask follow-up questions. The border czar was never held accountable for what was happening on her watch: Among the most egregious issues: 100,000s of American lives lost to fentanyl-laced drugs; more than 300,000 children lost in the “tracking system” making it impossible to learn the number being sex trafficked; criminal gangs of illegal immigrants wreaking havoc on our cities; and an estimated more than 10 million illegal immigrants flooding the nation’s welfare systems in recent years.

CNN can still be depended on to endorse Harris, no matter how pathetic her record of leadership.

That doesn’t mean voters won’t have a lightbulb go off over their heads tuning out the propagandists: They may realize the that AI-generated candidate -- who hides behind teleprompters and avoids media interviews -- isn’t the candidate bold enough to make America a decent place to live again.

Image: AT via Magic Studio

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