Moderator in upcoming Vance-Walz debate is linked to Lincoln Project

Is there no one in the mainstream media without a conflict of interest that somehow always favors Kamala Harris?

That's what we saw in the last badly moderated debate from two ABC News hosts, one of whom was a Kamala Harris college sorority sister, and both of whom declined to fact-check Harris, while doing a horrible job of that unasked-for task by targeting President Trump. There's also a whistleblower allegation that they kept certain questions about Harris's record from being brought up and gave the Harris camp a gander at what they would cover.

Now we have this -- ZeroHedge's Tyler Durden ran this piece by BenSellers at HeadlineUSA:

The husband of one of the two moderators in next week’s CBS News debate featuring vice presidential candidates J.D. Vance and Tim Walz appears to have made two donations of $250 apiece to the controversial Lincoln Project during the 2020 election.

Records from the Federal Election Commission show that Ali “Yado” Yakub, the husband of Face the Nation host Margaret Brennan, contributed on July 2 and Sept. 26 of that year to the anti-Trump super-PAC.

Voting records confirmed that the address listed was the residence of Yakub, who was registered as a Republican, and Brennan, who was registered as an independent.

Many have observed that registration offers no indication about political preference, with Democrats during the recent primary—in which President Joe Biden ran largely uncontested—frequently changing their party identification to vote against Trump.

Yakub also made contributions to ActBlue in 2019, including two that were earmarked for the primary campaign of future Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.

It's wretched stuff, given the pervy, disgusting record of the Lincoln Project, which has been beset with scandals, from financial mismanagement to pervy sex-harassing behavior by its principals, most of whom have since been thrown out. But the group remains weirder and more malevolent than ever, focused as it is on putting out fake news, all made possible by donors like Yakub.

Now, to Yakub's credit, he hasn't donated to them lately, or since the scandals, so maybe he knows how disgusting they are.

He has, however, taken his money to Pete Buttigieg, which is pretty bad, too, given Buttigieg's extreme partisanship and willingness to violate the Hatch Act on political campaigning while holding a cabinet position, which he does with alacrity, as well as his continued extended vacations without telling staff during major supply chain breakdowns and toxic train spills such as happened in East Palestine, Ohio.

Brennan has been married to Yakub since 2015. The Washington Post notes that he originally thought she was too conservative for him, but apparently decided otherwise as their romance blossomed. Their wedding was attended by David Rhodes, who was then president of CBS as it went downhill and skidded into partisanship, according to former CBS investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson, who pinpointed that date as 2015, too.

So now we have Brennan up there to moderate Tim Walz and J.D. Vance as they debate for the vice presidency on Oct. 1. Many news outlets say this is a pivotal one that could swing the race one way or another.

And CBS couldn't find anyone without bias or conflicts of interest to restore media credibility and fairness in the wake of the ABC fiasco?

Maybe they didn't want it to be fair. Maybe they don't care that their collective credibility is a problem with voters.

Maybe they couldn't find anyone else with fewer conflicts of interest among their wokesterly staff.

But to expect Brennan to be fair given the kind of talk that must go on in that household of hers with Yakub is kind of hard to imagine.

Now, to be absolutely fair, Brennan is a registered independent, unlike her husband who claims to be a Republican. That may mean nothing, but she has done decent journalism in the past, quite unlike a lot of the shills out there, as host on Face the Nation. I found this piece of her reporting drug shortages as a result of the price caps brought on by the badly misnamed Inflation Reduction Act and can confirm she did ask hard questions of the Biden administration weasels as a result. She's a genuinely good interviewer, which stands in stark contrast to the typical parroting of talking points seen among her rivals.

She's actually the best one they have, actually, and probably the only member of the mainstream media who still knows the difference between journalism and public relations. The 60 Minutes staff, particularly Scott Pelley and Lesley Stahl who seem to take their marching orders from the DNC, certainly don't.

But Brennan's Lincoln Project connection, born out of rabid hate for President Trump, is just so disgusting and disappointing. Is she going to be fair, or is this going to be another David Muir/Linsey Davis cheat-a-thon?

I really hope she is fair, conscious of this conflict, and tries to be better than her rivals as a matter of beating them on the professionalism front through fair and intelligent moderation. But given the hatred of Trump out there in the press, including the news of the Lincoln Project connection, I feel can no longer bank on it, not even from her.

Image: Lance Frank, via Wikimedia Commons // CC BY-SA 4.0 Deed

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