Media screaming about ‘disinformation’ are the most dangerous

Every day, we get stories in the news targeting Trump and supporting Kamala.  And it seems that every week, we get another story about Russia supposedly supporting Trump with false information. 

We never get a headline about all the false stories the media put out.  They act as though everything they say is true. 

I would challenge people to look at the following story and spot the obvious omissions. 

Russia produced most AI content to sway U.S. presidential vote, says U.S intelligence official

Russia has generated more AI content to influence the U.S. presidential election than any other foreign power as part of its broader effort to boost Republican candidate Donald Trump over Democrat Kamala Harris, a U.S. intelligence official said on Monday.

The official from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, speaking on condition of anonymity, made the comment in briefing reporters on the alleged use of AI by Russia and other countries to influence the Nov. 5 vote.

Moscow’s AI content is “consistent with Russia’s broader efforts to boost the former president’s candidacy and denigrate the vice president and the Democratic Party, including through conspiratorial narratives.”

The first thing that is obviously missing is an actual source for the story.  Instead, we have an anonymous intelligence official.  Is this one of the 700 officials who are supporting Kamala?

Is it one of the 51 intelligence officials who spread the lie that the Hunter laptop looked like Russian misinformation?  This was an obvious lie, since any good intelligence official would have clearly known how Biden lined his family’s pockets with kickbacks from around the world. 

And what is the misinformation exactly?  Is it where people referred to Kamala as an Indian when she first won her Senate seat?  That is not misinformation.  Is it where Republicans refer to her as the border czar, as most of the media did when she was first put in charge?  Is it where Republicans talk about all of her flip-flops?  Is it where people point out that Kamala lies when she says she and Biden inherited a disastrous economy?

Is it where people point out that Biden and Harris’s spending, regulations, border policies, and energy policies caused inflation, not the Ukraine War or COVID?

Examples would be good and necessary for real journalists. 

Here is an example of pure misinformation. 

On Sunday night, the unreliable Sixty Minutes, which repeated the lie that the Hunter laptop was Russian misinformation, falsely said that the reason Joe Biden wasn’t charged for stealing and mishandling classified documents is that he cooperated.  That is clearly a bald-faced lie because the report listed all his criminal activity and said the only reason he wasn’t charged is that he is an incompetent old man.  The report was very clear. 

The American media are much more dangerous to the integrity of our elections than anything Russia, China, or Iran has ever done.

<p><em>Image via <a  data-cke-saved-href=

Image via Pxhere.

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