Kamala’s idiopathic idiocy

Kamala Harris is deservedly being ridiculed for her evasive responses to questions about her policies, for example: “I was born [raised] in the middle-class.”   Even RFK got in on the act with his audience at a Michigan rally.  Here’s one example of the riff

RFK: “And the next time your wife asks you why you didn’t take out the garbage, what are you gonna say?"

Audience:  “I was born in the middle class!”

One can go on and on with this amusement, but it begs the question: What the heck is wrong with her? What is the root of her idiopathic idiocy?

Of course, with occasional exceptions like Trump, pandering political candidates are rarely authentic, relying instead on rehearsed talking points. The National Democratic Training Committee (NDTC) promotes their use, but even their definition is contrary to Kamala’s use.  They advise campaigns that:

Talking points are clear, short phrases that outline a candidate’s policies and ideas. Talking points should be three to four concise sentences at most. Good talking points allow candidates to guide conversations toward the issues where they have strong policy proposals and hope to make a difference.

Clear, short phrases are not something one associates with Kamala.  If anything, she guides conversations away from policy proposals.  Besides, touting her middle-class credentials seems discreditable given her hob-knobbing with rich elites.  She attracts huge donations from billionaires who can afford her economic statism.  Many millionaires are also gravitating toward Kamala, despite conceding that Trump will be better for the economy.

You’d think the altruism they feign would favor the poor, rather than the middle-class. Perhaps they know on which side their bread is buttered — Kamala’s policies, such as can be ascertained, have stealthily favored the wealthy.  And yet she keeps re-emphasizing her middle-class bona fides.

If not an NDTC-sanctioned talking point, what compels her into such absurd, undecipherable word-salads? And why is almost every reflexive response preceded with a reminder of her class, or lack thereof?  Irrespective of class, her focus should be on Americans, not illegal aliens.

So what the heck is wrong with her?  Unless the NDTC has changed its guidelines to promote gibberish to confuse voters, her middle-class mantra can’t be a simple talking point. Perhaps it’s more pathological than political.  It’s possible her constantly inane repetitions indicate debilitating OCD.  Or it may be an offshoot of, or related to, palilalia.

Palilalia is the automatic repetition of one’s words. It is “a rare speech disorder in which the speaker involuntarily repeats words, phrases, or sentences they have just spoken, often several times. … It has also been observed that palilalia occurs in spontaneous speech, and … can occur in individuals with idiopathic calcification of the basal ganglia.”

Though Kamala exhibits some of the symptoms, I’m not sure which taxonomy code applies.  Rather than being idiopathic (unknown cause), her condition may result from a dual morbidity:  leftist personality disorder and TDS.

Whatever the trained professionals diagnose, even laypeople know that nervous nellies often repeat themselves and cackle.  Do we want a president, even one who claims to hail from the middle-class, to be immobilized by anxiety?  When a general or admiral consults about potentially incendiary incidents, they won’t care about her provenance.

Having just suffered through Biden’s morose and debilitating temperament, perhaps the candidates for the world’s most important job should sacrifice a bit of medical privacy.  This bioethicist believes presidential candidates should be required to disclose their mental health records. Trump already released his medical records, and said he’d do so again.  We know wherefrom Kamala hails, but what about her physical and mental fitness for the job to which she dares aspire?

Before she dupes misinformed voters to give her access to the nuclear football, let’s find out if her basal ganglia is calcified, among other things. Our republic may not be able to stand two consecutive village idiots in the White House, whatever their underlying pathology.

I’ve got to go take out the garbage now — I refuse to use the excuse of having been born into the middle-class if I forget.

Image: YouTube video screen grab, edited.

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