Kamala and Joe crow about that godawful jobs report

Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, and their administration and political allies are out crowing about the Labor Department's monthly jobs report:

She was trying to shift the topic slightly to distract from the actual jobs report, which signalled an economic slowdown, same as Joe:



I saw another tweet featuring Biden praising the actual report earlier, but unless I'm mistaken, it seems to have been deleted.

The New York Times had some of it:

In a statement, President Biden hailed the August jobs data. “Thanks to our work to rescue the economy, nearly 16 million new jobs have been created, wages and incomes are rising faster than prices, businesses are investing in America, and millions of entrepreneurs are opening small businesses,” he said. “With inflation back down close to normal levels, it is important to focus on sustaining the historic gains we have made for American workers.”

Biden's allies are saying the same stuff he's been saying:





Plus this, all "strong and steady."

Stability? It's gaslighting.

No wonder Kamala and Joe wanted to get away from that actual report.

The U.S. Employment Report for August, released today, showed significant problems, and a below-expectation readouts, suggesting a slowing economy that may be headed for recession. According to CNBC:

The U.S. economy created slightly fewer jobs than expected in August, reflecting a slowing labor market while also clearing the way for the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates later this month.

Nonfarm payrolls expanded by 142,000 during the month, up from 89,000 in July and below the 161,000 consensus forecast from Dow Jones, according to a report Friday from the Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Don't forget, that's before the expected downward revisions to come, because they always do:



Not only were jobs created below expectations, the details were exceptionally negative.

For one thing, the jobs gained were part-time jobs (read: no benefits) -- coming at the expense of full-time jobs.



Hey, who doesn't like juggling two or three jobs to make ends meet?

And the highest-paid jobs, such as those in manufacturing, business services, and information, took the biggest hits.

Remember this?



Well, the losses were in the "quality" jobs.

As with the ADP report on private-sector job payrolls I wrote about yesterday, the sectors with the highest-paying jobs were where the losses were:



Business services, such as architects and law firms that serve businesses took even bigger hits than manufacturing jobs, as did information jobs, according to the ADP report which meshes well with the Labor Department report on all jobs created, including government jobs.

Like some fries with that?

Lastly, foreign-born workers got the lion's share of the jobs -- at the expense of locals.









Which is why we are seeing this:



Even Ian Bremmer, a committed liberal from the Soros wing of the Democrat party, says it's not good news:



Joe is out crowing, and so is Kamala Harris  -- which might be explained by this:



She's just wily enough to stay away from the details of the topic as she stumps for votes on the campaign trail, gibbering away about "tasty ranch dill pickles," but it's unlikely voters won't see what's happening. Bad economic slowdown brought on by inflation and government expansion in the works. Now it's being felt in jobs. Joe is out gaslighting because he's still desperate to save some scraps of his legacy, despite knowing he's going out like Jimmy Carter. Kamala, though, is trying to distract from the topic in order to ensure that the disaster sticks with Joe.

It's disgusting. She owns this. And there's not a thing she can say to not turn off voters from the hard reality of four more years of this failed administration.

Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License

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