In this tumultous political season, sometimes just praying helps most

The Democrat news cycle — which is the vast majority of election news we can access — is now so horrifically false and irregular that for regular Joes, like me (not inured by a lifetime of journalism), it has become close to unbearable to visit daily.

The President Trump/Arlington cemetery recent cycles of lies (addressed by me here last week) eventually made its way onto almost every online news platform and was regurgitated for a week at least.

This flagrant lying by Democrat politicians and media, in lockstep, is morally depressing for those of us who don’t see lying as an O.K. thing to do.  

‘Arlington’ is, of course, just one of the daily evil skirmishes now let loose everywhere — and the lying versions are ever in the paramount positions for our attention.

When I write now, I only do so because I am a longtime writer and enjoy writing. I don’t write at all unless I get an idea in my head which I think is important. Originally just a poet, and a deaf one at that, inspiration is the only impetus I have in the effort of writing. Love of country and my fellow countrymen underlie, in most cases, this inspiration.  I regard any inspiration as sourced, or in a comparable place, with prayer.

Prayer during this awful lead-up to the November election is not just a pleasant, alternative (or sanctimonious) suggestion, nor is it dependent on one’s politics-specific outlooks. For those of us who do practice frequent prayer and have experienced the clear differences prayer makes upon our moods, our decisions, and most importantly our faith, prayer over the years becomes absolutely essential in maintaining equilibrium, energy, and empathy.

Prayer gives us courage. It encourages us to be calmer, which in turn supports in using our reason and thinking clearly. It is impossible to practically avoid the onslaught of lies coming from the ‘Kamala’ universe.

Every day, I try to limit myself to how much of the media I listen to/look at, but, on the other hand, how does one combat news if one does not know what the news alleges, day to day? We have to look at it, but with courage and self-control, supported by prayer, we don’t have to drown in it.

Prayer helps us to step back and be strategic in our fight. An example is the subject matter from the pre-election. The mainstream media would distract us with their increasingly trivial objections to anything that they do not control.  They are terribly afraid to lose their grotesque ‘power.’ Need we be afraid, as well? Fear is never a winning strategy.

The U.S. Congress is a good example of failing strategy, and in choosing what’s hopeless, strategically. Why, now, would we rely on the U.S. Congress to do anything to actually help with 1. Justice for J6  2. The U.S. debt  3. Israel 4. Ukraine 5. Hunter and Joe Biden's corruption. 

As we have seen the U.S. Congress mess up these items, after years of repetitive, fruitless committee talk and then more talk (consider the years of interviews beleaguered Maria Bartiromo has undergone on her Sunday Morning Fox shows), we know that this is not a way forward for us. There are more examples and we all know them well. If they ever get back from vacation, we can expect more of the same from our Congress.

Prayer enlists divine support for our efforts. Any student of Western history, who knows about the very close call, for instance, that our erstwhile civilization had with Adolf Hitler, the British-led victories that turned on a dime, and the wins that were not explicable by any reason except a Divine one, knows that it is the faith of political heroes that generally makes them heroes.

I needed to write this today. I wanted to say, insofar as I can, to Americans who are struggling with huge financial, moral, and family worries; with terrific emotional upsets and setbacks that worsen every day: don’t give up.  I can attest to them, as many others do and will as well, that if we all pray, we will win back our freedom. History attests, over and over, that evil does not, ever, have the last word in the created world. God wants and even ‘needs’ our faith: that is what our ‘relationship’ with divinity is about.  It is a give and take thing. We give our prayer, and faith helps our hearts and minds, and enables us to overcome anything.

Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License

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