Here’s what to get leftists for Christmas

Some of our high-tech behemoths are developing Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality gizmos.  A new Virtual Reality headset from Meta will be available on Oct. 15, just in time for Christmas. Given the virtual nature of leftist’s worldviews, it may be an ideal present for them.

First, a quick, basic, distinction:

Augmented reality, very basically, is the real-time overlaying of digital information into the users’ real world environment.  Superimposed onto real-world settings, it has productivity-enhancing applications in many industries.

Virtual reality creates an experience in which the brain suspends belief, accepting a concocted virtual world as the real environment. 

While the brain “suspends belief” in a virtual reality dimension, it does sound a lot like Hillary Clinton’s “willing suspension of disbelief.”  In essence, they both encourage belief in something that’s not true.  And that’s part of the reason that VR headsets may make a perfect gift for leftists of her ilk. After all, she withers in a concocted and contorted alternate universe

Here are some other reasons, compiled from this site, combined with my interjections:

  • Virtual Reality is completely virtual -- So is Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign, and lefty’s mindset in general
  • Virtual Reality users are “controlled by the system” -- So are Kamala and her supporters.
  • Virtual Reality only enhances a fictional reality -- That’s the kind that leftists occupy.

The preposterous projections of fictional reality that Kamala and her minions foist on conservatives beggar belief.  She’s completely virtual, having invented a discordant “reality” for low-information voters -- i.e., those who haven’t yet made up their minds. 

Christmas is soon after Election Day.  Hopefully, many leftists will be distraught with the results, unable to cope with the cognitive dissonance wrought from real reality and their peculiar virtual reality. Many will promise to embark on one-way voyages to Canada.  Fortunately, they have plenty of Virtual Reality headsets up there.

Image: AT via Magic Studio

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