Disinformation vs. the First Amendment

I came across this John Kerry diatribe lamenting the perils of free speech in my news feed this morning.

To hear an “elder statesman” (I use this term very loosely) of one of America’s two major political parties whine about how the First Amendment to our Constitution hinders political operatives, whether they’re inside government, as Kerry has been for the better part of the last half century, or their state media (DNC) cheerleaders, from spawning and peddling their preferred “narrative” is comical, but it’s even more troubling:

If people only go to one source, and the source they go to is sick, and, you know, has an agenda and they're putting out disinformation, our First Amendment stands as a major block to be able to just, you know, hammer it out of existence.

I think it’s safe to say that Kerry’s idea of a “sick” source likely begins with Fox News and includes every other outlet that isn’t part of the DNC propaganda machine. And given his druthers, would love to “hammer it (and the rest of them) out of existence.”

This should scare the hell out of every free-thinking American. Not that Kerry has any political power, but the leadership of his party does and feels the same as he does on this subject. Kill the filibuster, stack the Supreme Court, decree a Presidential nominee without a single primary vote. The party that sees threats to democracy behind every tree desperately needs a mirror!

It’s hard to read this without laughing out loud. “Has an agenda and they're putting out disinformation.” Has Kerry not been reading the New York Times and Washington Post the past ten years? Does he not watch CNN and MSNBC? These outlets are the poster children for “having an agenda and putting out disinformation.’

To be completely fair, the largest purveyor of disinformation these days is our government. We see it everywhere, from jobs numbers (overreported for Dems and generally revised downward a month or two later) crime statistics (grossly underreported for the Biden/Harris administration). How many government economists told us the Biden/Harris inflation was “transitory?” And how many deep-state spooks assured us the “Hunter laptop” story was the work of a Russian information operation?

The answer to that last one is 51 if you’re scoring at home.

The political hacks at the NYT and WaPo are nowhere near clever enough to create these stories on their own. They rely on their deep-state handlers to feed them these stories, which they gleefully, and mindlessly, run to press with. As Matt Taibbi said: when David Ignatius’s (WaPo) lips are moving, the CIA’s words are coming out.

So much for the history. The bottom line here is that authoritarian Democrat politicians, be they John Kerry, Joe Biden, or Kamala Harris, would love nothing more than to hammer out of existence our First Amendment freedoms, to quell any dissenting viewpoints from the public square. They just can’t abide these inconvenient truths making them look bad.

We’re constantly told what a threat to democracy Donald Trump is. This is merely more Democrat projection. By now it’s well established that whatever Democrat politicians and media flacks accuse Republicans of, the Democrats are guilty of tenfold. Didn’t I see Hillary (the conjuror of the Russian Collusion smear,) calling to prosecute purveyors of propaganda this week? Oh, my goodness, pot meet kettle! Only in America could this level of brazen hypocrisy and complete lack of self-awareness pass for serious discourse. Hillary is many things, but stupid isn’t one of them. She knows exactly what she’s doing and knows she can get away with it only because of the DNC media’s servility to her party.

I would love to see Trump take up this mantle and prosecute all of them. God knows he has ten years’ worth of incontrovertible evidence on his side. It’s funny to listen to these shameless propagandists like Rachel Maddow feign fear that Trump would jail her and her ilk. If only. It’s far better than they deserve.

I’ll take what the Dems call disinformation over censorship every day of the week and every week of the year. When they rot in Hell maybe I’ll see them there, but until then, seeing them rot in prison would be good enough for me.

Benjamin Franklin said it best: “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither.”

Image: Pexels/Dany Kurniawan

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