Democrats are looking for solutions in all the wrong places

There are core cultural stories we keep in our minds, waiting for life to prove them true. For example, seeing the unaware gal adorned wearing the clothes of the Emperor or the hyperbolic guy finally struck by sky. It pleases me to say that Democrats, Progressives, and Liberals (DPLs) have finally given life to one such tale—and it doesn’t reflect well on them.

Here’s the recognizable story:

One dark night, a police officer came upon a man who was frantically searching for something under a streetlight. “What have you lost?” the officer asked the man. “My keys. I dropped them somewhere across the street,” responded the man as he crawled around and examined every inch. “So why are you searching here?” asked the police officer. “Well, this is where the light is,” came the man’s reply.

This story—or joke, depending on how it’s told—has taken many forms over many decades, dating back to the 1920s. In most versions, the searching man has had a bit to drink, which only highlights the folly of his searching for keys in a place they can’t possibly be. Today, “the streetlight effect” is often cited in science circles, when researchers are cautioned not to pursue their inquiries only in clear, visible areas of study, but to look to hidden, unexplored places for the truth.

In other words, if we are serious about finding the true solution to any problem, we need to be prepared to look for it wherever it may be hiding.

DPLs have proven in the past few years that they are the drunkards searching in all the wrong places for answers to problems whose solutions are obvious.

Here are a couple of examples.

Gun Violence. DPLs claim to support “common sense” gun control. Their proposals include:

Forgetting the issues associated with the phantom concept of “assault weapons” and the constitutional issues associated with Red Flag Laws and other weaknesses associated with the above approaches to seizing or penalizing legally obtained guns by law-abiding citizens, the fact is that available studies suggest that the majority of gun violence, particularly homicides, is committed with firearms that are not legally owned.

Adding more laws that impose greater restrictions on law-abiding citizens does not address the matter of guns obtained illegally. The obvious solution is to address illegally obtained weapons and the law-breakers who get them. It is, simply, a manifestation of the “streetlight effect,” which sees DPLs going to the light instead of where the problem is.

Violence in Gaza. Recently, Poseur Biden blamed Bibi Netanyahu, PM of Israel, for not doing enough to secure the release of hostages seized on October 7, 2023. Further, Poseur Biden and VP Kamala Harris have specifically called out Israel for causing the discomfort currently experienced by the Gazan Muslims.

The above, even though Hamas has, to date, rejected all ceasefire and hostage release proposals.

As with gun control, the terrorists, like the outlaws, are uncontrollable by Biden/Harris and DPLs. This Administration provides military aid to Israel, which it can control. This Administration provided military aid to the terrorists, which it cannot control, thanks to the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle and the Taliban’s distribution of US military equipment.

Dealing definitively with the terrorists is the obvious solution.

Instead, the Administration pressures Israel. “Streetlight Effect.”

These are but two examples. The same extends to the economy (e.g., “price gouging“), education (e.g., “underfunded schools“), etc.

The pursuit of the “Streetlight Effect” will never result in solutions. There is no way that the DPLs will ever improve any situation in the USA, much of which the DPLs caused.

A vote for Harris is, without a doubt, wasted if you want problems solved.

Image by AI.

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