CNN gets all puppet-y again

Kamala Harris is running for president, supposedly to turn the page, which is to get away from policies that don't work.

She is pretending she is the candidate of change and most of the media cheers like ignorant puppets. 

Here, CNN claims that Trump is playing the fear card on the economy
Trump plays the fear card on the economy – and it seems to be working
Donald Trump had an apocalyptic warning for a group of farmers in swing state Pennsylvania: If he loses the election, “You won’t have a farm very long.”
Here is a hint for CNN. It is not the fear card to tell the public the truth of the massive destruction the Biden-Harris policies have caused the last four years.
Sadly, Trump is having to do the job because the media has been working so hard to hide the truth. 
It is not fear:
To tell farmers that they are being decimated by regulations and if they are required to junk their farm equipment and replace it with high priced and inefficient electric equipment, they will be broke. Small- and medium-sized farmers and their banks will be bankrupt. But wealthy landowners like Bill Gates and China will be fine. 
To tell the public that the inflation they see is caused by government money-printing for its vast spending projects, and made worse by disastrous energy policies, green kickbacks, too many regulations, high taxes, and open borders. 
To tell the public that the border was very secure until Biden and Harris decided to open it up on day one with a massive number of executive orders. 
To tell the public that criminals and terrorists are coming across the border in record numbers. 
To tell the public that crime by illegals is rising. 
To tell the people that 300,000 trafficked children have disappeared from federal scrutiny and to talk about child-, sex-, and drug-trafficking caused by the open borders. 
To describe the disaster of Springfield, Ohio that is caused by forcing a town that has 58,000 people to take in 20,000 additional people, no matter what race they are. It stresses housing, hospitals, schools, police, and all city resources. 
It is idiotic, at best, when the media and other Democrats say that these 20,000 people help the town because they need workers. How many people are stupid enough to believe that a town of 58,000 has 20,000 job openings. Almost all of these people will end up being dependent on the government while greatly harming the long term residents. 
To tell the public about how disastrous it is that Biden and Harris have built up the finances of Russia, Iran, and non-state terrorists with high energy prices. 
To tell the people how much more dangerous the world has been since they took office. 
To tell people how they kept schools and businesses closed due to the COVID lies of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the CDC, and a host of other bad actors. 
To tell the people that Democrats fired people who chose not to take a COVID vaccine. 
To tell people how Democrats are willing to damage women's sports. 
To tell people that Biden and Harris have weaponized the Justice Department by going after him, Catholics, parents, pro-life people, Elon Musk, and other Trump supporters. 
As for the people who always play the fear card, along with the race card, that is most of the media and other Democrats:
They have been telling people for decades that the Earth doesn't have much time left if we don't give up oil, coal, natural gas, and all the conveniences they provide. 
We have been told we would kill people if we went to work, school, or church without masks and if we got within six feet of someone. 
We are falsely told that millions of women would die if somehow state legislators set abortion limits. 
The public has been lied to for over eight years that Trump is a dictator and a Russian pawn. 
The public is lied to that Trump is an isolationist. It is not isolationist to get peace accords in the Mideast, to keep energy prices low throughout the world, and to tell NATO members to spend more on defense to help protect themselves. 
The public has been lied to for seven years that Trump supports Nazis and white supremacists.
The public is lied to that Trump politicized the Justice Department and will jail his political opponents and journalists. 
The public is lied to that Trump will destroy the middle class and only supports the rich. 
The public is lied to that democracy will end if he is elected and there will be no more elections. 
The public is lied to that Trump said there will be a "bloodbath" if he is not-elected. He was talking about the pure intentional destruction of the auto industry if the green pushers get their way. 
Everyone should understand that Democrats always accuse others of doing what they themselves are doing.
Image: Logo, via Wikimedia Commons // public domain
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