Catty Democrats

JD Vance took heat for his observation that many prominent Democrats are “childless cat ladies.” Paraphrasing Shakespeare (Hamlet):  “The [cat ladies] doth protest too much, methinks.”

“Too much” because it’s true that liberals tend to be cat people, whereas conservatives tend to favor dogs.  This is very general of course, but nevertheless quantified. This extensive research delineates the contrasts:

Based on a large sample, we found that greater conservatism predicts less liking for cats and a greater preference for dogs over cats.


Those with strong conservative views had more negative implicit associations with cats than those with strong liberal beliefs.

I’m not surprised. Much research, summaries of which are compiled in this article, reveals that cats can be selfish, unfeeling, and environmentally harmful.  They often use and manipulate their owners; they rarely show genuine affection (even their purring has questionable motives); they are an environmental nightmare, eviscerating our wonderful bird populations, and taunting endangered Western gray squirrels.

Um, selfish, unfeeling, and environmentally harmful… reminds me of someone.  Oh yeah, Democrats, to wit:

Selfish.  It’s well documented that conservatives, at an individual level, are much more giving than liberals.  To JD’s point, conservatives are more willing to sacrifice selfish desires to raise wonderful families.  They are more pro-family.

Unfeeling.  Liberals pretend to care about the masses, but when it comes to individual interactions and empathy, they’re all too often callous and catty.

Environmentally Harmful.  At first, this may seem counterintuitive, but liberal policies, including building wind “farms,” kill hapless wildlife happening to be swimming or flying by on their wondrous migrations.  Moreover, pausing liquefied natural gas exports, while importing dirty oil from Venezuela (and enabling more dirty Russian oil production), aren’t helpful.  America has the technology to produce clean energy, if the Democrats would not cut off their nose to spite their face.

So give JD a break — he was really onto something.  It’s clear why so many catty “Democrats” are “childless cat ladies”: their shared traits include being selfish and unfeeling, with not one whit of authentic concern for the environment.

Free image, Pixabay license

Image: Free image, Pixabay license.

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