American Yidiots on steroids

Approximately five years ago, American Thinker published my article: American Yidiots.

At that time, the intent was rather ‘tongue in cheek” -- a gentle mocking at the majority Jewish vote, that I, and about 20% of the Jewish-American voters deemed blatantly against self interest.
But that was then. 
In the ensuing five years, and especially since Hamas's stealth, bestial, attacks against Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023, being a Yidiot is no longer a gentle, mocking matter. 
Many Jews have been shocked by the incomprehensible Jew-hatred that erupted globally, and specifically in the United States of America after Hamas’s vicious attack. Instead of an American and global sense of shock and empathy for Israel, their dead and maimed victims, and the hostages brutally taken by Hamas, there was only contempt for Israel and Jews, and approbation for Hamas’s inhumane actions. 
To date in America, the antisemitic outbursts have been disruptive -- mostly on college campuses -- and in the streets.  
However, the intensity, frequency and size of the individual protest sites that proliferated on campuses have now subsided. Mostly, Jewish students and civilians have not been physically harmed, but altercations between protestors and police have at times been violent.  Moreover, the antagonism and harassment has been so intense that many Jewish students are afraid to remain on or even enter college campuses. 
Since the horror of the Oct. 7 attacks, Jewish existence in America has changed. Those of us who were born and lived through the golden age of Jews in America arrogantly thought that nothing could happen here.  But it has. 
High school seniors now scan books that focus on safe colleges for Jews and those that list the unsafe colleges and universities.  Many Jews have taken off all clothing and jewelry that identify them.  It is unthinkable. 
And what is far worse, and more disheartening is that over 60% of our brethren either refuse to confront or even admit to the current danger, and worse, some even stand with the Jew-haters. 
A Yidiot is a person who supports the billions the United States Gives to Ukraine because it was attacked by Russia, but doesn’t object when the Biden-Harris administration slow walks military aid to Israel which has been attacked by three terrorist groups: Hamas in the south in Gaza, and Hezbollah in the north from Lebanon, and the Houthies in Yemen from farther away.  
A Yidiot is a person who doesn’t call Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky’s astonishing campaigning in the U.S as the international political interference that it is, but are quick to so accuse Bibi Netanyahu of that for addressing Congress by invitation.  
A Yidiot is a person who believed years of the Democrat party’s purchased Russian disinformation blather against Trump, while accepting that all the records of debauchery and corruption on Hunter Biden’s own laptop were just propaganda and lies.  
A Yidiot is a person who believes all of Israel’s problems would be solved if only the country would agree to a cessation of the war that was foisted upon it, totally forgetting that the Hamas attack from Gaza broke an extant peace agreement. 
A Yidiot is a person who argues for a “two-state” solution between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, refusing to accept historical fact that Hamas does not want peace, it wants Israel obliterated.  
A Yidiot is a person who wants to support every social issue that emerges, but is silent on the issue of Israel’s survival. 
A Yidiot is a person who still wants the reflected glory of their child attending a prestigious college or university where Arab money has corrupted the administration of it and its professors, instead of going to a university that does not accept or promote Jew-hatred and affirmatively opposes it. 
A Yidiot is a person who does not realize and/or accept that Israel is not only fighting for it own survival, but is fighting by extension for the survival of the United States as well against America’s enemies. Who are they? They deem Israel the “little Satan” and America the “great Satan.”
A Yidiot is a person who does not howl and ferociously object at the billions of tax payer money Biden and Harris have continued to send to Iran -- when they know full well Iran turns around and funds Hezb'allah, Hamas, and now the Houthies.
A Yidiot is a person who believes New York City Democrat Mayor Eric Adams -- the first U.S. mayor ever to be be federally indicted for corruption -- is corrupt, rather than acknowledging it is the system that is corrupt -- and little more than Democrats’ odious lawfare revenge for Adams’ blaming the Biden/Harris open border policy for all the increased crime in New York City.
A Yidiot is a person who believes Mayor, Eric Adams is indeed corrupt -- rather than acknowledging it is the Democrats’ odious lawfare revenge for Adams’ unwaveringly support for Israel.  
A Yidiot is a person who does not understand  that Israel is a Jewish state which stands as a beacon of light for persecuted Jews globally, but is also a Democratic state which has rule of law and is a hospitable place for the Arab Muslims, Christians, and Druze among its population -- who have since demonstrated their loyalty to Israel as it comes under attack.
A Yidiot is a person who does not acknowledge the aid and medical care Israel has afforded the people of Gaza. What other country so treats people whose aim is to destroy it?
A Yidiot is a person who does not question why all the 50 or so majority Arab countries don’t help Gazans, or help them emigrate into their own countries. 
A Yidiot is a person who calls Bibi Netanyahu a monster, and fails  to acknowledge that in both Gaza and Lebanon, the Israeli government dropped thousands upon thousands of posters and emails and made as many calls, warning the civilian populations of danger ahead and urging them to get out of the way. 
A Yidiot is a person who believes the Democrat party generically, and presidential candidate Kamala Harris specifically, want the U.S. Southern border closed because Harris visited the border just now for the first time in three years.  
A Yidiot is a person who believes Kamala Harris’s sudden trip to the U.S. Southern border indicates she cares about the consequences of the 425,431 illegally present rapists, murderers and other criminals who are now roaming our city streets unfettered.  
A Yidiot is also a person who believes Harris and the Democrat party give a damn about the fate of more than 300,000 illegally present unaccompanied minors, for which they have no record and not an iota of a clue as to their whereabouts. 
A Yidiot is a person that believes all the media hype that Trump is a monster and destroyer of democracy without acknowledging that when Trump was president -- he moved the American Embassy to Jerusalem (that his many predecessors had promised to do but didn’t) recognized the northern territories as part of Israel and reversed Obama’s odious policy that Jews born in Jerusalem were not Israelis.
A Yidiot is someone whom the rest of us cannot be proud of. 

Hat tip: My brother-in-law, Dario Lechter, who many years ago, sent me a one word message: Yidiot. Grateful to him.

Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License

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