A tyrannical war on truth and information

We are in the middle of a war, and the globalists (this hyperlink is a must-watch), who want to destroy America for a one-world dystopian government, are using Fifth Generation Warfare (5GW) on the people of America and citizens around the globe.  5GW is a war for minds, using narratives and psychological manipulation, assisted by technology to sway people’s behaviors and actions.

The American people and global citizens, if provided the truth, will do the right thing.  Therein lies the problem: the American people and global citizens are not getting the truth.  They are getting well crafted and propagandized narratives by these one-world government motivated globalists, from the blatant lies of Kamala Harris to the globalist-owned and operated corporate media outlets.

We have learned this week that George Soros was approved to purchase Audacy, the second-largest chain of radio stations in the U.S, owning 220 American radio stations in 40 markets and reaching 165 million listeners monthly.  To demonstrate how rotten our federal government is, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) fast-tracked the purchase approval, which should not have been allowed.

Soros is a key globalist player and is aggressive in using his money to bring on his desired one-world government by controlling narratives and destroying common sense and free speech.  This most recent acquisition, weeks before the election, will likely be used to shut down conservative talk radio, ensuring that the crafted propaganda found on corporate media reaches and influences voters during the election process.  

Examples of Soros’s use of funds to push the globalist agenda and suppress the truth are many.  Soros is one of the largest donors to the World Economic Forum (WEF) and to district and state’s attorneys using lawfare on conservatives, most notably President Trump.  He also funded Fact Checkers to benefit his radical rhetoric and has been linked with the funding of anti-Israel protests. 

It is not a coincidence that Bill Gates, a leading globalist technocrat, has given hundreds of millions of dollars to mainstream media in order to control the narrative.  This is especially true regarding his despotic pandemic response and scandalous personal life.  Here he is, an unelected software billionaire, telling the government what it should be doing.  

Let’s not forget that six corporations own 90% of the media reaching the people.  Only 10% comes from podcasters, social media, and other media outlets committed to the truth. 

You can tell that the news outlets are pushing propaganda to make you feel as though everything is okay, when you see them all smiling addressing many irrelevant stories or using deliberate slants that leave viewers with the feeling they are listening to a time-share salesperson.

These paid-off talking heads (not journalist watchdogs for the people by any stretch) are feeding the people sugarcoated talking points so they won’t question our collapsing economy.  They ignore the severity of the invasion taking place at the southern border.  They give falsehoods to support provoked wars and are silent on how close we are to a nuclear conflict.  

People with discernment and critical thinking skills who have sharpened their facts by seeking the truth outside the propaganda know that these mainstream talking heads are not being honest and are in fact pushing dangerous and polarizing narratives.

Let’s not forget about the Twitter Files, where “we learned Twitter, Facebook, Google, and other companies developed a formal system for taking in moderation ‘requests’ from every corner of government: the FBI, DHS, HHS, DOD, the Global Engagement Center at State, even the CIA.”

Just this past month, Mark Zuckerberg confirmed that his platform was pressured by the government to suppress articles, including the one from The New York Post on the Hunter Biden laptop story.

Again, please seek the truth by listening to those canceled, attacked, or censored, many of whom can be found on Rumble, podcasts, and X.  More importantly, understand that the TV is the globalist’s most powerful weapon.  Avoid watching programs and corporate news outlets unless to you are doing it to monitor the globalist’s intentions. 

The evil globalists cannot survive the truth, so please seek it, share it, and make sure everyone knows it.

As Immanuel Kant made clear, “If the truth shall kill them, let them die.”

<p><i>Image via <a href=Pixnio.

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Image via Pixnio.

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