A biblical name for Israel’s exploding pagers

Israel is forever naming its military operations and weaponry.  For instance, back in the early 1950s, the Israelis had “Operation Ezra and Nehemiah,” an airlift of over 100,000 Iraqi Jews to Israel and safety.  In 1991, there was a covert operation called “Operation Solomon” that transported thousands of Ethiopian Jews to their Promised Land.  Then there was the amazing “Esther computer worm” that wreaked havoc on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Israel has a fearsome battle tank called the Merkava.  Merkava means “chariot” in Hebrew and is a word often found in the Jewish Bible and in Jewish mysticism.  Israel also has a military system designed to shoot down the worst that Iran, Hamas, and Hezb’allah might launch its way.  It’s called “David’s Sling.”

There are those out there who criticize Israel for such biblical naming practices.  They say it is a propaganda tool for internal consumption that legitimizes killing.  I don’t see it that way.  These names are reminders that the Jews are the “People of the Book.”  They are warning signs to their many enemies that they should not be provoked.

This is why I am seeking a biblical name for “Operation Exploding Pagers.”  If we could get inside those thick terrorist skulls and let them know what they are really up against, then maybe they would leave the tiny Jewish state of Israel alone. 

As far as the history books are concerned, never, and I mean never, has there been such a military operation as what Israel just pulled off, which surgically killed (or maimed) so many bad guys over so large an area, and all at a specific time.  But it did happen in the Bible.  It happened in Exodus in the Passover story, when the Angel of Death passed over the Israelite dwellings and struck down all the firstborn Egyptians, including payback to Pharaoh.  And it all happened at the same time, too: midnight.  Back then, that Angel of Death stealth technology must have been mighty awesome.  But hats off to the Israeli intelligence of today, too!

Now that I have found my biblical reference point, I am in a quandary.  I am in need of a name for the ingenious military operation that selectively struck down thousands of Hezb’allah terrorists, all sworn to the destruction of Israel.  As far as I know, Israel has yet to officially take credit for the operation, let alone provide us with a biblical reference name.  So for now, I guess it’s up to me.  I’m going with “Operation Paging Angel.”

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Image via Pxhere.

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