Will Dem voters sacrifice America on the altar of abortion?

The economy crashing under Biden/Harris, with massive inflation and the American dream entirely out of reach of the youth, isn’t mentioned by Kamala Harris’s supporters.  The Biden/Harris open border policy, allowing millions of illegal aliens coming straight out of insane asylums and prisons to flood into all states, is also absent from the conversations by future Kamala Harris voters.

Not even killers being quickly released back onto American streets, women being raped in broad daylight, or children being sold into sex-trafficking has found a place in the conversations of Harris advocates.

But what does take center stage in Democrat conversations around the country, and especially at the DNC, is the issue of abortion.  No other topic seems to have the power to turn the United States into a communist third-world hell-hole like the abortion issue.

Millions of American female voters have looked the other way from the cataclysmic, disastrous policies of Kamala Harris, simply because she and they are against states’ rights regarding abortion. 

Abortion was not made illegal or banned, as Kamala and the propaganda media like to misinform, but instead transferred from a constitutional issue to a decision to be made by the people of every state.

Regardless of this fact, and regardless that abortion will remain legal in many large cities across America, millions of female voters will cast their vote for an inexperienced, oblivious candidate who was selected as the nominee not by the American people, but by special interest groups.

Just like Roe v. Wade, Kamala bypassed the democratic process, and instead of receiving votes, she received a blessing from the powerful Washington elites. 

What will bringing back Roe v. Wade accomplish if no America is left after eight years of Harris? 

Just like Harris’s policies, the re-establishment of Roe v. Wade will not pay the rent, provide safer streets, close the border, or bring down the high cost of living.

A Harris presidency will see further destruction of the economy and introduce freedom-stealing communism into American society.  Voters blinded by Roe v. Wade will find themselves struggling to make ends meet, on unsafe streets, and laboring like so many in third-world countries.

By focusing on Roe v. Wade and voting for Harris, these voters will have destroyed their own economic futures for at least the next eight years, be witness to one million young American deaths due to fentanyl overdoses, and see thousands of young American servicemen die in the inevitable wars in Eastern Europe, China, and the Middle East.  But abortion rights that were never taken away will still not be taken away.  They will have won nothing and lost everything.

<p><em>Image: Nogwater via <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/nogwater/4800749300">Flickr</a>, <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/legalcode">CC BY-SA 2.0</a> (cropped).</em></p>

Image: Nogwater via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0 (cropped).

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