Tim Walz: The perfect leftist emblem

With the Dems’ selection of Tim Walz for V.P., the teams are set going into the general election for president: Donald Trump and J.D. Vance for the Republicans against Kamala Harris and Tim Walz for the Democrats (assuming the Harris/Walz ticket doesn’t get derailed at the convention).

At first glance, the selection of Tim Walz is a relief.  Kamala Harris could have selected Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro, but as Van Jones suggested on CNN, “anti-Jewish bigots” in the Democrat party sank Shapiro’s V.P. bid.  Shapiro would have almost certainly delivered Pennsylvania, with 19 electoral votes, which would have made the path to victory harder for Trump/Vance.

Tim Walz is the gift that keeps on giving.  If there were a worse candidate than Kamala Harris, Tim Walz is it.

Take his stolen valor, his ties to China, his signed bill placing tampons in boys bathrooms, his signed bill allowing state custody for transgender hormones and genital mutilation, his signed bill granting driver’s licenses to illegal aliens, and his signing of a late-term abortion bill that is possibly the most radical in the nation.

But of all Walz’s extreme left background, his allowing (read: promoting) the burning down of Minneapolis and other Minnesota cities during the 2020 Democrat-inspired summer of rage is, in my opinion, the most egregious.  People died.  Businesses were looted and set ablaze (in mostly black neighborhoods).

The New York Times covered the incident:

Fires and looting destroyed hundreds of businesses, among them a worker-owned bicycle co-opa historic diner run by a husband and wife, and the new headquarters of a nonprofit organization that works with Native American teens.

The meme “mostly peaceful protest” originates with an MSNBC spokeshole proclaiming, “I want to be clear on how I characterize this. This is mostly a protest. It is not generally speaking unruly.”

It is not generally speaking unruly, as the city of Minneapolis is burning to the ground in the background.

Tim Walz is the perfect pairing with Kamala Harris if you want to burn down the country in the same manner that you’ve burned down your state.  This is the most radically leftist Democrat ticket in our nation’s history.

We must stand against the slobbering media and demand that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz answer for their failings: a failed border czar with a shady background and a communist father, and a failed radical governor who celebrates his wedding anniversary on the date of the Tiananmen Square crackdown against freedom-desiring Chinese.

If we don’t prevail, Minneapolis will be a warning of our future.

<p><em>Image: <a  data-cke-saved-href=

Image: Tim Walz, public domain.

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