The myth of Kamala’s time-limited honeymoon

It is nearly impossible to listen to the news, both conservative and liberal outlets, without hearing about the Harris Honeymoon and that it is ending soon. This is untrue and is tied to another untruth, which is that the public keeps being told that the countdown to the election is the countdown to November 05.

This is sheer ignorance. As of approximately one week ago, this was the news: “Election Day is 100 days away, but some voters could cast their ballot in half that time.”

In fact, “Election Day” is a dead concept. The Election Period is what matters.

Image: Kamala’s honeymoon by Andrea Widburg, using AI.

On September 6, voting begins. From then, depending on the state, ballots can be cast for the “November Election.”

Biden dropped out on July 21.

Harris was crowned nominee on August 02.

The Dem convention is from August 19-22.

Excluding August 22, from the time the convention ends, there are 15 days until voting begins. That’s when Kamala’s “honeymoon” gets its second wind:

The “honeymoon” phenomenon, [is that period of time] in which a newly elevated political leader gets positive press simply because of their newness. And the thing about honeymoons is that they eventually end.

Apparently, there are no boundaries for nominee honeymoons, so “eventually ends” is uncertain.

Once elected, a presidential honeymoon is said to be the first 100 days of the administration. That is in relation to the Congress. This is the time when congresspeople and the media don’t criticize too much as they find their sea legs. (Democrats ignored this honeymoon period for Trump.)

In polls showing average presidential popularity, beginning with Gerald Ford, this honeymoon means presidents enjoy seven months of positive approval ratings. Kamala has no Congress to give her slack as she is not the elected president. So, her honeymoon period is all public popularity.

For now, she appears to be going gangbusters with the public:

This time around, Harris has masterfully played the inside game in lining up party support for her campaign, she’s drawn enthusiastic crowds, and she’s raised a gargantuan pile of cash. But there are other things she hasn’t done yet. For instance: She hasn’t given an interview or press conference since Biden quit, which is something Republicans are grousing about.

However, Vox, from which the above is quoted, suggests that some things, such as giving interviews or holding a press conference, may derail the Kamala train.

Realistically, it is a near certainty that a tough interview or press conference will not be held before the DNC. After all, Kamala has to deal with matters such as tanking the economy, intimidating Jews, killing Israelis, and making room for Venezuelans.

After the DNC, there will be rallies and affairs of state that will occupy her time, further lessening the likelihood of her having to answer questions.

On top of that, what media outlets, save the conservative media, will be calling—really calling—for her to speak without a teleprompter? The same media that brought us Russia! Russia! Russia!, promoted two impeachments, supported executing Donald Trump Jr., covered-up Hunter’s laptop…?

Fat chance.

Given the time constraints and gross hostility of a huge percentage of the media to DJT and JDV and their flip side support of Kamala and (now) Walz, there is zip possibility that this honeymoon will end before the election. Relying on it to reverse Kamala’s momentum is folly.

There is no honeymoon. There is no honeymoon to end. This is how it is and will be. The so-called honeymoon is what voters will see and hear until Election Period begins through November 5 or when enough votes are counted for Kamala to win, whichever comes first.

To paraphrase, “Honeymoon? We ain’t got no honeymoon. We don’t need no honeymoon.”

They are the Democrats.

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