The deadliest convention in American history

The Democratic National Convention 2024 in Chicago is over and in the books.  To no one’s surprise, Kamala Harris accepted her party’s uncontested nomination Thursday night to be the Democrat presidential candidate for November’s election.  Probably to everyone’s surprise, Thursday also marked the ending to what was the deadliest national political convention in America’s history.

Of course, it really wasn’t a contest as far as Democrat political contests go.  Nearly a month ago, a feeble President Joe Biden was “voluntarily” displaced from the top spot on the ticket and replaced, by order of party leadership, and with Biden’s endorsement, with V.P. Kamala Harris.  But the pre-convention political piracy of the race is not what makes this unconventional convention the most notorious.

The convention was only a formality for a foregone conclusion.  A formality, but no less a star-studded spectacle as only Hollywood and costal elite leftist can assemble.  Party A-list speakers included Barack and Michelle Obama and Bill and Hillary Clinton, not to mention Oprah.  And there was superstar entertainment, including none other than Stevie Wonder and Patti LaBelle.  Few Democrats watching in attendance and at home, with as grand a show as this, were complaining about not having cast a single vote for Kamala as their choice for president.

Regrettably, another contest of sorts was being waged outside the convention hall.  This does not refer to the many friendly contests among social media players to see which of the convention speakers would tell the greater lies on key issues of party policy, or on the great success of Joe Biden’s presidency — oh, and, as expected, about just how loveable and qualified Harris is to be the first female person “of color” to become president.

The real contest, if it may be called one without being too ghoulish or morbid, was one no right-minded people would want to win.  This was a contest between life and death, where the body-count is the deciding factor.

It’s no secret that Chicago is among the most dangerous cities to live in in the United States.  Weekends seem to be the most dangerous time to be on the mean streets of the Windy City.  “Over the weekend leading up to the convention in downtown Chicago, 26 shooting incidents involving 30 total victims, five who died, were recorded,” reports FOX News.

However, the four weekdays of the DNC Chicago convention surpassed that previous weekend’s death count, making Chicago and the 2024 DNC Convention co-winners as the deadliest political convention venue in memory, probably in U.S. history.

According to the same report, DNC Convention Monday saw eight shootings with four fatalities.  Convention Tuesday witnessed “five shootings involving 12 victims with one fatality.”  And Windy City Wednesday experienced “nine shootings involving 10 victims, one of whom died,” plus a stabbing.  Information for Thursday is unknown.  The Chicago death count from violent crime during the first three days of the DNC Convention is, therefore, six.

Six violent deaths in three days is a tragically high number under any circumstances.  But sadly, six doesn’t fully account for the actual number of violent deaths reported to have occurred in Chicago during the convention.

The total number is much higher than six.  In Chicago, these additional murders are completely legal, even to the point of being celebrated.  And boy, was there a lot of celebrating of them inside that convention hall this week!  If this astonishing fact isn’t appalling enough, it gets worse.  These murders were linked directly to the DNC Convention itself and were set in motion within sight and earshot of the convention hall doors.  Worse still, these murders were scheduled by appointment, well in advance of the convention festivities, as though just another attraction to be attended among the many other features planned for the week.

Reportedly, and with the DNC’s and Harris-Walz’s blessings, Planned Parenthood scheduled and provided approximately twenty-five pharmaceutical abortions during the first three days of the DNC Chicago Convention.  And if this isn’t repugnant enough, they performed them inside a Planned Parenthood “Mobile Abortion Clinic” van parked outside the convention hall.  Ever mindful of “gender equity,” free vasectomies were also being offered.

With these twenty-five abortions, the total combined number of criminal and legal violent deaths during the DNC Chicago Convention is approximately thirty-one!  That makes the 2024 DNC Presidential Convention the deadliest convention in what is likely the history of the United States.

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