The 2024 DNC and the wisdom of Rush Limbaugh

Identity politics and getting minorities riled up seemed center stage at the just ended 2024 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. There were some new faces, of course, but it was the same old circus. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Watching some of the convention antics actually brought me back to March 31, 2009. That day for me, politically speaking, was a special day. I was listening to Rush on the car radio and even though I was already a longtime listener, I was about to have what Rush would often refer to as a “teachable moment.”

Rush engaged his radio staff in some feedback as I and millions of other listeners took it all in:

We have a lot of people who love to talk about minorities, do we not? The minority is put upon, needs special consideration, special rights... The minorities are not granted equal treatment, and minorities need special considerations, it’s not fair that they’re a minority. What is the smallest minority on earth? This is not a trick question. What is the smallest minority on earth? Mr. Snerdley, I will start with you. Nope. The smallest minority on earth is not wealthy people. Dawn, do you want to take a stab at what is the smallest minority on earth? You’ll never get it, but when I tell you what it is, you will think it’s brilliant. Strawberry blondes are not the smallest minority on earth. Brian, you want to take a stab at it? Don’t tell me owners of Spanish speaking radio stations. What is the smallest minority? You’re never going to get it. The white male is not the smallest minority on earth. People would never get this ’cause we’re not conditioned to think this way. 

The smallest minority on earth is the individual. We are all different. We are all individuals. We are being told to sacrifice our individuality. We’re being told we must assemble in other groups of victims. Well, not all of us because some of us are the victimizers. The smallest minority on earth is the individual and thus those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities… But the smallest minority on earth is you, as an individual. You have individual rights, as granted by God, who created you, and our founding documents enshrine them: Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. Those rights don’t come from other men or governments or women. They come from our creator, God. Higher power, whatever, however you want to look at it. The smallest minority on earth is the individual, and I dare say that in this country today there’s no one looking out for the individual…

When you deny your individuality, when you give it away for acceptance into a subgroup of people, you are harming the country; you are letting the country down; you are not pulling your weight. You are seeking approval, self-love and acceptance from all of the wrong sources. You’re giving up the greatest gift you ever had, and that’s who you are…

My takeaway from Rush was actually fairly simple but the truth of it resonated deeply. Not only was the smallest minority on earth the individual but the individual was also the most important minority on earth. And who is best at protecting the rights of all minorities? That would be those who most openly embrace the Constitution and Bill of Rights!

Here’s hoping the above Rush sentiments reach those who will be voting for Kamala Harris before it’s too late. Four more years of the same is too steep a price to pay for a vote based on identity politics. My friends, it time to shake off your “subgroup” mentality and join the party -- the Trump Republican Party. As for those of us who plan on voting for Trump, I hope Rush’s words serve as a rallying cry.

Image: AT via Magic Studio

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