Media have a long row to hoe to rehabilitate Kamala

California’s then–attorney general, Kamala Harris, gave ballot titles, summaries, and support for Proposition 47 (The Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act) and Proposition 57 (The Public Safety and Rehabilitation Act of 2016).

Proposition 47 recategorized some nonviolent offenses as misdemeanors rather than felonies.  Crimes affected were shoplifting, grand theft, receiving stolen property, forgery, fraud, and writing a bad check.  These crimes were considered “nonviolent” if they didn’t exceed $950 for each offense.  It also decriminalized the personal use of most illegal drugs and downgraded drug possession from a felony to a misdemeanor, which removed law enforcement’s ability to make an arrest in most circumstances.

Proposition 57 allows, because of this proposition, “nonviolent felons” to qualify for early parole.  Further, parole boards can consider only a felon’s most recent charge rather than his entire criminal history, which may include violent crimes.

Crimes considered “nonviolent” under Proposition 57 by Harris include trafficking of a child, rape of an unconscious person, drive-by shooting at inhabited dwelling or vehicle, assault with a firearm or deadly weapon, assault on a police officer, serial arson, exploding a bomb to injure people, solicitation to commit murder, and felony domestic violence.

As San Francisco’s district attorney, Harris launched a jail diversion program for “nonviolent” drug offenders.  She supported and helped raise money for an organization that sought to keep violent criminals on the streets free to wreak havoc and harm innocent people.

As a result, the increase in crime throughout California is simply unbelievable.  It’s no coincidence that at the same time, the increase of homeless vagrants and drug addicts on the streets occurred.  California’s largest cities resemble third-world hellscapes, with people living in tents on sidewalks, covering the sidewalks with human defecation, urine, and vomit, garbage strewn on city streets, drug addicts shooting up in public, drug sales, drug needles strewn on streets, public sex acts, and violence.

Kamala Harris owns California’s third-world city hellscapes.  Her propaganda and revisionist history are disingenuous and dishonest because her history illustrates that she supports violent criminals.

It’s difficult to understand how a politician who supports people trying to destroy the country has any support while running for president.

<p><em>Image: Department of Defense via <a  data-cke-saved-href=

Image: Department of Defense via Picryl, public domain.

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