Lie after lie after lie

Marxists do not care about our core principles of constitutionality, the Bill of Rights, what is or is not American, or the American political and philosophical legacy.  But it is innately human to get our back up about elitism and what I call “misrule of the few over the many,” and with zero compassion for those of us who challenge this abuse of power.  There is genuine emotion here.  Use it against them.

For my money, the worst part about our oligarchy of psychopaths is that Democrats and the Deep State hide behind the liberal/communist mystique, only to end up selling our national policy off to the highest bidder.  And you can quote me.  This is always the worst part of oligarchy and aristocracy. 

Oligarchs, aristocrats, and elites don’t grasp the holistic subtleties of human thriving; therefore, they chase a cheap facsimile of same that always winds up lining their pockets.  This means that you and I have to live with the lies and delusions until our friends glimpse the big picture enough to jar them loose from their delusions about Marxist elites.

I think the hot lead we should use in any political conversation is how elites selling national policy off to Big Pharma and Big Food is good for no one — not even for the materialist gain of Big Pharma and Big Food. 

Because the more you kill people off and make them sick in order to sell them more Pharma and food junk — the more they will wait for you outside your hut, even as the holistic consequences and results of what you are doing don’t smell or look right, in spite of the fusillade of propaganda.

To abuse people at this level is to blow air into the tire with no escape.  Keep doing it.  Watch what happens.

Forget “freedom.”  The hot lead has three most critical points.  1) The leftist elite are using their power only to sell American national policy to the highest bidder.  2) The worst of what they are doing is intentionally making us sicker in order to atrociously profit.  3) The pedestrian allegiance to leftism erects a wall behind which the invisible ringleaders in Washington are psychopaths, completely without compassion for all of us who attack this insanity that clashes with any semblance of what is human and whole. 

Forget any delicacy in arguments: the worst part about what they are doing is not that it’s “against the Constitution” or “un-American” or “unpatriotic,” or that it “violates the Bill of Rights,” or that it is out of line with any “spirit of America.”  People on the left are so groomed by propaganda since the Roosevelt administration that they don’t care about any of that.

Change the conversation: it is innate that human beings despise the unfairness and lack of wisdom in misrule by the few over the many.  It is innate that human beings do not like fat cats profiting off human spoils.  It is innate that the repulsiveness of this inhuman behavior gives rise to powerful emotions — that are the best way to dislodge more rings of onlookers from around the core of Marxist propaganda that says the left’s elite exist only to help the poor and save human lives.

Please quote me.

Dr. David Walls-Kaufman is a J6 author and thinker jailed for two months.  He has written two novels, Caesar Americus: One Party Rule and Robot, Archangel, and the forthcoming nonfiction The Theory of Everything.  He lived four blocks from the Capitol and was for decades the chiropractor to the political stars but left the city of his upbringing in the aftermath of woke persecution and the reversal of the West’s time-honored faith in factual evidence, innocent until proven guilty, and the seriousness of the evidence rather than the seriousness of the charge.

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