It’s time for a surgical mister-ectomy!
Enough is enough! A surgical misterectomy needs to be performed ASAP.
That’s the question/concern…100%. It’s just the wrong spelling.
Yep, that’s the problem that needs to be rectified. America and the world need to get the Y chromosome out of women’s sports. Think about the idiocy going on today.
Does it make any sense that athletically superior males can go to the playground and beat up the girls they find there?
No, it does not!
Granted, I can remember seven decades ago in second grade when those types of average young boys were getting pummeled by two girls — Connie and Susan — during recess. That was the old days, though, when justice still prevailed. Justness died somewhere along the way. Of course, the fact that I still remember their names over 70 years later should tell you how intimidated I was by them… being an underperformer in sports myself. But I digress.
Back to the current lunacy. Now individuals previously “testing positive for XY chromosomes” are boxing in the Olympics against young women who’ve dreamt of competing on the world stage for an Olympic medal. Dreams shattered!
Males being allowed to compete in women’s sports is absolutely insane. Thus, the need for a misterectomy. My bachelor of science degree in biology confirmed what I learned being raised on a dairy farm in Wisconsin — there are biological differences between boys and girls. Dah! Those differences need to be understood and respected.
The vast majority in America and the world should know that, so it’s time to fix the problem. And that’s not to be confused with “fix” as in fixing your dog or cat… one current approach for allowing XY chromosome folks into XX chromosome athletic competitions.
Happily, the proposed misterectomy doesn’t involve excisions like what’s being done to “fix” juveniles nowadays. It requires but a single word with only two letters, an N and an O, i.e., NO!
What would that yield?
A surgical, but noninvasive, misterectomy. No men in women’s sports… nada! Problem solved. Not only that, a misterectomy could remedy ongoing “sports” problems in women’s prisons as well. More woke dimwittedness.
But, of course, the rally cry “inclusiveness” has kept sanity from prevailing.
Want to compete against women in sports?
That’s easy. Prove you’re lacking a Y chromosome and you’re in. Refuse testing, you’re out. All that’s needed for anyone with a Y chromosome is a misterectomy. They’re surgically removed from the competition. It’s simple as can be.
R.W. Trewyn earned a PhD after surviving Vietnam combat and, more treacherously, endured 53-years postwar slogging academe’s once-upon-a-time hallowed halls.
Image: Free image, Pixabay license.