Is Biden sabotaging Kamala?

Girlfriend doesn’t need any help, heaven knows. She’s enough of a disaster all on her own, but I’ve noticed something the last day or two that seems to indicate a purposeful strategy afoot on the order of Team Biden to kneecap Mizzzzz Harris.  In order to see it we have to see both sides; first, Kamala’s:



So, girlfriend doesn’t want to be burdened by what has been.  She’d like to cast off her Biden yoke and be her own big girl, like this disaster never happened.


But the Biden people appear to be clinging ever so tightly to Mizz Thang.

First up, from Townhall, quoting the black lesbian:



Clingy-clingy, tighty-tighty!

Then there’s this, from Fox News:



So we have the president’s spokes-muppet clinging tightly at the podium, and now we have deeeeeep (Obama and) Biden White House insider Susan Rice expanding upon the no-daylight theme to include not just economic policy alignment, but agenda architecture alignment.

Zero daylight.

There have long been rumors that the two camps haaaaaaaaate each other (Harris-Biden) but it appears the “putsch” has broken it open into the public.  Byron York reports the old man is shuffling about the White House very, very bitter. (American Thinker’s Monica Showalter also has two excellent essays on the drama, here and here.)

Girlfriend may want to run, but she can’t hide. Given the garbage media in this country, she’ll no doubt keep trying, with a heavy assist from CNN-MSNBC-NBC-ABC-CBS-NYT-WAPO, etc. But no matter who stands behind it, the White House podium is a powerful thing, and if KJP keeps drawing her in like a table full of poker chips, Mizzzzzz Harris will have to decide, eventually, to hold ‘em or fold ‘em, and we’ll be watching with schadenfreude-ist fascination.

Kamala Harris

Image: Gage Skidmore CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr, unaltered.

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