In this election, it's now or never
Once upon a time there was a dam. It was a fine dam. It held back all floods and provided a reservoir of life and energy for the populace.
Everyone loved it. At first. Then a few people decided it was a problem, a stain on the landscape, and slowly but surely the disaffected affected the dam. Those who loved it sat by and mouthed platitudes to its function, glory, and righteousness. Their voices were quiet, logical, very correct, and completely ignored.
Those who hated it decried its very existence as a threat to all humanity. It was a testament to the vile capacity of humans to harness nature at the cost of nature, an insult to Gaia. Their voices were loud, emotional, utterly wrong, and given much attention.
Meanwhile the dam fell ever into less repair. No one maintained it. It simply “was.” Everyone could use it for water, for energy, and even as a bridge everyone could easily traverse. Even those who hated it still had use of it. It was a right, and a right needs no maintenance, even when you are trying to remove said right. Right?
But one day, it collapsed. It had been crumbling for years; no one had paid attention, not those who loved it, and not those who hated it. It was always sound yesterday, why would it not be sound tomorrow? Even if you wanted to tear it down, you enjoyed its existence, whatever your rhetoric.
The metaphor here is America. Haters never had a good alternative to it (socialism is not a good alternative), and the lovers took it all for granted.
And so it crumbled slowly at first, and then all at once.
This is how countries fall; slowly at first, and then all at once. See Venezuela, Cuba, the Soviet Union, Sri Lanka, and many others.
We have once chance, America. One shot and one shot only. That shot is Donald Trump and J.D. Vance, who are now also creating a coalition called the Unity Party (yes, I think this could be a real thing).
Allies and associations heretofore unthinkable, such as Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and his team, who could have a lasting and very beneficial effect on our nation, are now in reach. We must hear opposition voices, listen to opposition concerns, and address opposition issues. Persuasion beats coercion every time, and we have a golden opportunity to persuade right now.
These unlikely alliances springing up must be part of this one shot. Not because they are diverse, or intersectional, or whatever the current fad might be, but because they share our values and love this country, too. They have finally decided that this time it is far more important to save the American Dream than it is to have party loyalty (looking at you, Kennedy family members, you disgraceful ingrates).
We are Americans of all stripes who have finally had enough, enough of the duplicity, the hypocrisy, and the sheer audacity to steal from us our God given rights. We conservatives are connecting with people who never in their wildest dreams would have aligned with us just days ago, who are now lining up to raise their hands and say “STOP,” this isn’t what we signed up for!
Bravo, bold dissenters. You aren’t your Daddy’s Democrats, and we aren’t our Daddy’s Republicans. For everyone, we patriots ask only that you truly evaluate your choices, and realize that a wrong choice in this election cycle will mean the loss of your freedoms, and the freedoms of your children and theirs, and theirs, and theirs, forever.
You can vote your way into communism, but you must fight your way out of it. Choose not to have to fight later; fight now, while you can still do so bloodlessly.
Refuse to die on your knees; choose Trump/Vance/RFK, Jr./Tulsi Gabbard 2024 and live on your feet! Truly we have a big tent, and an amazing pool, come on in, the water is fine…
Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License