Economic prosperity and environmental protection

With Democrat nominee Kamala Harris poised to continue the policies of her own administration, it is imperative to reflect on the contrasting vision offered by former president, Donald Trump.

Trump’s presidency was marked by significant achievements in environmental protection and economic growth, underpinned by a commitment to safeguarding America’s natural resources, standing in stark contrast to the four years of Biden’s policies that Harris aims to extend. Trump’s environmental and economic policies warrant support from both the working class and business community, and why they are crucial for America’s future.

One of the most notable accomplishments of the Trump administration was the enactment of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), which included the strongest environmental protections of any trade agreement in history. This agreement set a new standard for environmental stewardship by mandating strict regulations to curb pollution and safeguard natural habitats. Unlike NAFTA, USMCA’s environmental provisions ensured that economic progress would not come at the expense of the environment, demonstrating a balanced approach to both economic and ecological concerns.

Trump also demonstrated a proactive stance on marine conservation. Under his leadership, the Save Our Seas Act was signed into law, a landmark piece of legislation designed to tackle marine litter and pollution caused by foreign nations. This act addressed a growing global crisis by establishing the first-ever federal strategic plan to combat marine debris. The environmental impact of this legislation was substantial, as it aimed to protect marine ecosystems while simultaneously fostering a more responsible approach to waste management.

Furthermore, Trump’s administration was instrumental in advancing the Great American Outdoors Act. This historic legislation secured the largest investment in America’s National Parks and public lands in history. By allocating significant funding for the maintenance and restoration of these natural treasures, Trump’s policies ensured that future generations would continue to enjoy the splendor of America’s natural landscapes. This act was not only a boon for environmental conservation but also a testament to the administration’s commitment to preserving the nation's heritage.

The Trump administration also made significant strides in land conservation. The signing of the largest public lands legislation in a decade added 1.3 million new acres of wilderness. This initiative was a clear demonstration of Trump’s dedication to environmental preservation and reflected a broader vision for managing and protecting America’s vast natural resources.

The Trump administration’s environmental policies were not isolated from economic considerations. In fact, they were intrinsically linked to economic growth and stability. For instance, the Great American Outdoors Act and the designation of new wilderness areas were not only about preserving natural beauty but also about creating jobs and boosting local economies. Investments in national parks and public lands translated into increased tourism, which in turn supported local businesses and communities.

Additionally, Trump’s approach to forest management, epitomized by his historic executive order promoting active forest management, was crucial in preventing catastrophic wildfires. By prioritizing forest health, the administration mitigated the economic damages associated with wildfire destruction. The proactive management of forests helped protect valuable resources, infrastructure, and communities from the economic impact of devastating fires.

The expansion of access to public lands for recreational activities such as hunting and fishing also had positive economic implications. By opening and expanding over four million acres of public lands, Trump’s policies supported outdoor recreation industries that contribute significantly to the economy. These activities generate revenue and support jobs, showcasing how environmental stewardship and economic interests can go hand in hand.

In stark contrast, the Biden-Harris administration’s environmental policies have been defined by regulatory overreach and economic disruption; their approach to climate change and environmental protection has often been characterized by stringent regulations and ambitious goals that have led to increased energy costs and economic uncertainty. These policies have placed undue burdens on businesses and working-class Americans, who have borne the brunt of higher energy prices and reduced economic opportunities.

Kamala Harris, as the Democrat nominee, will continue these policies, exacerbating the economic challenges faced by many Americans. The expansion of regulatory frameworks and the push for aggressive climate agendas threaten to stifle economic growth and job creation, undermining the progress made during Trump’s presidency.

Trump’s environmental policies were designed with economic benefits in mind. By focusing on pragmatic solutions that balanced environmental concerns with economic growth, Trump demonstrated a vision for sustainable prosperity. The infrastructure upgrades and investments during his tenure, such as the $500 million allocated to fix the Herbert Hoover Dike and the 55% increase in funding for Everglades restoration, were critical in addressing both environmental and economic needs. These projects not only improved environmental conditions but also created jobs and supported local economies.

Joining the One Trillion Trees Initiative, Trump’s administration committed to planting, conserving, and restoring trees in America and around the world. This initiative had far-reaching benefits, including natural carbon sequestration, improved air quality, and enhanced biodiversity; economically, it supported industries related to forestry and conservation.

Returning to Trump’s proven approach means a return to policies that not only protected America’s natural heritage but also fostered economic prosperity by creating jobs, supporting local businesses, and ensuring sustainable development.

The contrast with the Biden administration’s record is clear. While the Biden administration’s policies have led to economic hardships and regulatory challenges, Trump’s achievements in environmental protection and economic growth offer a compelling argument for his return to office. For the working man and the businessman alike, Trump’s presidency represents a commitment to both safeguarding the environment and ensuring economic stability. As such, Trump stands out as the candidate best suited to lead America towards a future that respects both its natural resources and its economic potential.

Joseph Ford Cotto, 1st Baron Cotto, GCCCR (DBA) is the author of What Happened to America?: How—and Why—the American Dream Became a Nightmare. He holds a doctorate in business administration and hosts News Sight, an online program with a sharp focus on the current events that impact your life. During 2014, HLM King Kigeli V of Rwanda bestowed a hereditary knighthood upon him. It was followed by a barony the next year.

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