’Diversity is our strength!’

We are told we must sustain a program of diversity, equity, and inclusion to achieve a stronger, and more equal and moral society.  “Diversity is our strength!” proclaim Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Kamala Harris.  Is it?  Not really.

Diversity in itself is a weakness.  The strength of a society lies in its ability to align its forces in solidarity and direction so as to achieve its goals going forward.  In physics this thrust is referred to as a primary vector.  Diverse forces flying off in all directions serve only to weaken the vector.  If you want your car to go forward, you put it in drive, not drive, neutral, and reverse.  Strength lies in overcoming diverse forces and aligning them with the primary vector.

In society, this is achieved through assimilation.  Woke progressivism thwarts assimilation through identity politics.  Identity politics divides social elements into adversarial factions — the oppressors and the oppressed.  It then attacks the underlying oppressor, patriarchal white supremacy, to gain political power.  Diversity disingenuously manipulated in this manner has served only to greatly weaken our society.

But to the left, diversity has indeed been a source of strength — the strength of the Democrat party.  When Democrat politicians proclaim “diversity is OUR strength,” they are speaking for themselves; they mean diversity is THEIR strength.  Over the years, our nation has become increasingly diverse ethnically.  In 1980, we were 80% Caucasian, 6.5% Hispanic, 11.5% Afro-American, and 2% Asian.  We are now 60% Caucasian, 18.5% Hispanic, 13% Afro-American, and 6% Asian.  Historically, Hispanics have voted 60% Democrat, Afro-Americans 85%, and Asians 60-65%.  Increasing diversity has indeed strengthened the Democrat party.

And the party feels fully justified in projecting its need for diversity onto society at large.  Our society is, after all, rightfully their society.  Their strength is the nation’s strength, our strength.  They perceive themselves as the only legitimate font of national purpose and shepherds of democracy.  Republicans and conservatives need to be reprogrammed or expelled from the country.  Their MAGA fascist dictator leader needs to be vilified, imprisoned, and shot at, while their VP candidate is just, well, weird.

However, these reliably Democrat voting ethnic groups are now seen to be migrating rightward in their political orientation.  To counteract this, unskilled, uneducated illegal migrants need to be recruited to restore and expand the Democrat voting bloc.

Diversity is clearly their strength, but then only as long as its factions remain loyal to the Democrat party.  Should they ever drift to the right, diversity will find itself on the DNC chopping block.

Free image, Pixabay license

Image: Free image, Pixabay license.

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