Americans won't work

I went to a small-town Florida Walmart yesterday to find some travel items.  Staff were sparse and there were no American-born and raised service employees that I could see. 

Everyone was either Hispanic or Middle Eastern. One was Russian or Ukrainian.

I had to ask for help from three different people, one of whom spoke no English and had to ask another foreign-born person to help me. Both accents were thick and coarse. Another just pointed.

Americans don't seem to want to work the small jobs any more, most likely because they are getting some kind of government money or their expenses are being taken care of by Mommy and Daddy Dearest. Some don't believe they need to work their way up a success ladder but should instead start at the top.

How does this help the American labor market? Well, these non-Americans work for less money so employers are more likely to hire them. Try to hire an American teenager or older and they will want to know your health care benefits, days off, vacation time, and lunch breaks. They will want flex-time. Coming in late, to them, is no biggie. Being on time is too white.

We are in a world of trouble when young Americans have no drive, no job pride, and little ambition. Someone needs to staff businesses or the businesses will die. What do they think, that the world is as laissez faire as their parents or universities are?

Expectations from employers are often just not there – their experience tells them what we can all see: Americans don’t want to work. (Exceptions exist, of course, but things have dramatically changed from the days when parents expected their kids to work and get out of the house.)

When Americans won't work, we get a society of entitled sloths who want you and me to pay for the rest of their lives (and ours) for their lodging, their education, their food and medical insurance. They don't have to pay back their loans but we have to pay for ours. What’s worse is that we have to pay for theirs as well!  This is a disgraceful and dangerous situation, creating softness and weakness throughout the culture.

Democrats have been promoting this lazy unproductive lifestyle for decades and it is only now that we are beginning to see the disastrous results. No one is dependable. No one is proud of their work. No one wants to study and advance legitimately. No one want to exert any effort; they want everything given to them right now because they draw breath. America cannot stand proudly under such crushing weakness.

Put Americans back to work. Defund the universities so they must stop churning out little communists, lazy-asses, and antisemites. Cut back all welfare of all kinds and make Americans work for their food and lodging and medical care. What America has done under both parties is criminal but Democrats are far worse.

Now we must elect Donald Trump so that he will make America a thriving concern once again, one that is tough and resilient, not one that looks like Atlas who Shrugged and then fell over himself.

Image: Pexels // Pexels License

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