What to do with Biden? What to do with us?

An associate reassured me early this week that Biden was “circling down the drain.”  If so, someone needs to call a plumber.  Swamp drains are always blocked, farther down, with oozy Potomac swampy stuff.  Right now, it looks as though we’ve still got Joe.  Is he stuck in the pipeline?

A caucus of  timidity about “what to do about Joe,” along with the impossible Beltway “surprise” at his current condition, is just so like the swamp — they deny, deny, deny, and then partially deny some more in the face of ever-mounting, crushing confirmation.  This is government.  They are, falsely, dumbfounded by the truth when it rears its inescapable head.

Look, the Dems and Company are saying, “it’s very complicated.”  Well, yeah, they’ve made it that way — no excuses, please.  And, okay, so what is, as a priority, so very complicated about removing a president who is an immediate threat (really, has been since or before he took office — we’ve got the receipts) to our country’s security?  “Bear with us for a bit!”  But that’s just it — we Americans have been bearing with them until they are no longer bearable.

Yet here it is: the Democrats — especially the Obamas — have always known about Biden.  The CIA has always known about Biden.  The DOJ has always known about Biden.  Defense has always been in the loop.  They have all known, for years, before and into his vice presidency, that Biden is on the take.  Because they all know him and/or of him, they all control him.  This is not all just down to Jill — who also knows about Biden.  She vetted him back when.

So now that Biden’s long-spotted dementia is becoming all too universally apparent, on camera, why should the swamp second-guess?

They’ve got related issues.  If there ever was a wild card in the V.P. seat, it has to be Kamala.  They really don’t want to deal with Her Kackleness anytime soon.  Nobody ever knows what she’s talking about.

They know that members of Congress — lots of them — must know and have known about Biden, and they haven’t been exactly forthcoming, either, so not to worry too much about the slackers and cowards and stock option aficionados busy with their political futures on the Hill.

The Dems are taking their time because they think there’s a workaround, but what is it?  Biden may be past lucidity and beyond retrieval on any given day, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he can’t stumble on as figurehead for the Deep State for another few days, weeks, months, until they get their act together.

At least they still have the power, today.  Their intention is to keep it.  That hasn’t really changed yet.  Has it?  But what, and who, will our next act actually consist of? they may now be wondering.  We have lost the central human prop to our agenda, a man long bought and paid for, so can we get that lucky again, and as quickly as we need to?

They are still obsessing over Trump.  So they’re distracted.  How to get rid of Orange Man is the “strategic” focus, even now — not how to get rid of Biden.

They know that Trump did a lot for the annoying “people” last time he was in residence; they’re pretty sure he will do more if he gets back in the White House.  Better to have a straw man sitting in the Oval Office (Biden), keeping the big chair so-so warm, than their MAGA fantasy monster, who clearly thinks the American people do have  actionable “rights” that supersede the privileges of unelected villainy and dark influence.  Can’t have that.  Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier or something, right?

Hoping for a miracle, for the Dems, would be inappropriate, or not applicable, at this point in their looming reversal of immoral, ungovernable fortune.  Damage control is so...yesterday (anyway, that never happened when it could have made the difference).  CNN/NBC/ABC et al. interviews don’t, anymore, attract the approval Biden needs — and really, there is only so much make-up and cheat sheets and speech functionality one guy can pull off, even with wonder drugs, when he’s close to gaga.  Maybe the P.R. push thing won’t really work.

So they say they’re probably going to do something about him.  Maybe soon.  That’s today’s message.  Note emphasis on the “going to,” not the “do.”  Is the swamp’s word credible?  Mais non, jamais!

Are we not allowed to counter, “Why isn’t Biden gone yet”?  Why is he still calling Hunter into his official meetings?  Why is he still even president?  Please recall that the U.S. Congress has been egregiously unpopular, with terrible polls, with the public for years.  Most of those with the worst polling are still there.  Please remember wheeling Feinstein on the floor to vote.  Please remember Mitch McConnell’s mini-strokes at the podium.  Biden can “still be there,” too — “as long as it takes.”  For sure, the lame Congress hasn’t gotten close to impeaching any of his swampy thugs, let alone Biden himself.

What we the people want and what we get are apparently not much of the swamp’s concern in this hour of its first real crisis.  The political shenanigans are in high swampy gear, and the people are still left in the dark.  Have the Dems ever handled crises well?  Or honestly?

Biden was so sure he’d win the 2020 election that he never legitimately campaigned.  He was already in his dotage then — check out the clips.  He was not worried then.  Need he worry now?  We really don’t know.

Question: What can happen when nothing happens?

Answer: Anything.  But not nothing.

<p><em>Image: Gage Skidmore via <a  data-cke-saved-href=

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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