Warrior Trump by freedom's light

Trump is so eminently iconic of his own personality, that great cartoons and photos make him a sure winner in the photogenic category. Most cartoons and caricatures of Trump show his signature hair pompadour, ample girth, and pouty lips. This silhouette of him and Melania at a fireworks display from the balcony of the White House is also iconic: He loves the very notion of freedom and liberty and wants to pass it along to future generations of Americans. His enemies do not. They want us in economic and cultural handcuffs.

The White House from Washington, DC, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Image: Public domain.

Donald Trump without people is dead — he lives to be with people, to influence them with what he believes (and I believe) is the truth and with what will benefit them. He has an uncanny connection with freedom lovers and a visceral aversion to those who hate liberty. He has something no Democrat candidate has: a love for America as it was founded, not as what America should be morphed into. In 2024, he still wants the same things, only he wants them more. We don’t blame him, given the constant, brutal pounding he has taken from the American Marxists in the media, academia, Hollywood, and politics. They have all enhanced his considerable influence by their nefarious lies and actions.

We conservatives come alongside Trump in his desire to honor the Founders idea of liberty and freedom.

Trump is a one-of-a-kind warrior. In the face of what seems to be overwhelming odds against him, he charges forward, brushing aside monumental obstacles in his path like dust motes. His determination is almost biblical. He is saying, “Here am I. Send me.”

Donald Trump is iconic in his own persona, something America rarely sees. He is a president who is brash but honest. He is coarse but monumentally competent. He is Midas-wealthy but relates to the poorest citizens. He is brilliant but not snobbish. And he is a visionary; he sees what America can be like if only the Leftists’ slave handcuffs are removed.

No, Donald Trump is not a political messiah. He is not superhuman. He is not perfect. But he is the man for our time, a terrible time, where only a Donald Trump at the helm can make America better and yank her from the razor-toothed maw of godless, destructive communism. Gods hand seems to be on him as he brushes aside dangers ordinary men would be cowed by.

But Trump is fed by risky challenges — he is spiritually and constitutionally dead without making heroic moves toward vindication and toward improving the lot of every American. Most of the time he succeeds. Why? Because he is genuine and, unlike almost every Democrat politician, he loves America and Americans, and is willing to go the extra light year to prove it and to save her — as founded. 

Did I mention fearless?

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