University DEI plan says individualism, timeliness, part of white supremacy culture
A Duke University School of Medicine DEI plan from 2021, recently revealed, asserts that concepts such as “individualism” and “timeliness” can be a part of “white supremacy culture.”
According to the New York Post, the report states:
“White supremacy culture is the idea (ideology) that white people and the ideas, thoughts, beliefs, and actions of white people are superior to People of Color and their ideas, thoughts, beliefs, and actions.”
The report continues:
“In the workplace, white supremacy culture explicitly and implicitly privileges whiteness and discriminates against non-Western and non-white professionalism standards related to dress code, speech, work style, and timeliness. Some identifiable characteristics of this culture includes [sic] perfectionism, belief that there’s only one right way, power hoarding, individualism, sense of urgency and defensiveness.”
Individualism? Who needs it? We know all Blacks not only look alike, but think alike, right?
I mean, Black folks like their chicken and watermelon … and are not very good swimmers. Everyone knows that.
And they all vote Democratic.
As President Biden so astutely noted back in 2020: If a Black person isn’t committed to voting for him, then that person “ain’t Black.” Period. (True story!)
We wouldn’t want them making up their own minds, anyway. That could lead to chaos and fewer votes for Democrats. Fortunately, Blacks don’t have the mental capacity-- or courage -- to be independent thinkers, so the report would make you think. And it would be unfair of us — racist really -- to think that Black people are capable of obtaining valid IDs like the rest of us. And who could expect a person of color to dress appropriately or be on time? So, it is much better to treat people as part of a group, or groups, nothing less, nothing more. Intersectionality rules!
The previous paragraphs, of course, were sarcasm.
And individualism is, by definition, not a white supremacy culture … or part of any group’s culture, ethos, or standard. It is, however, the key to a rich and rewarding life and society. One might almost say it is the real key to diversity. The best kind of diversity. Our government and institutions used to recognize this. No longer.
Are professors now the dumbest people? And why are our institutions of higher learning led by people with lower IQs? Sure, that may be stereotyping, but we’re supposed to lump people together now in various groups, correct?
Maybe it would be best if we went back to treating people like individuals.
Image: Warren LeMay, via Wikimedia Commons // CC0 1.0 universal public domain dedication