Trump is going to win. But...

On July 13, 2024, the United States of America witnessed an attempted assassination of a former and likely future president.

It has taken these last few days for that reality to set in.  It’s not different from when you yourself have a close encounter with death: a car accident, a fire, a stroke, whatever it might be.  At first, we don’t even know how to process such an event. 

But all of the above examples are, sadly, not all that uncommon.  The assassination attempt of a president, sitting or former, is a very uncommon event.  Thankfully. 

This author was not yet born when JFK was assassinated and was just a babe in swaddling clothes when RFK was likewise killed.  When Ford was shot at, twice, this author was barely cutting political teeth.  When Reagan was shot, this author was still a teenager, and it really didn’t register how earthshaking it was at the time. 

Fast-forward nearly 50 years, and suddenly this event is real, and raw, and heartrending.  It feels so strange.  Glory be to God, the end result was not a dead president, but a warrior rising from the carnage, raising his fist in courage, and showing every single person on the planet that he would not be bent, not be broken, not be bowed.  We, the warriors on the ground, must stand with this amazing man. 

We are witnessing history in the making, and we too must rise, and become part of history, by putting Trump back in office, where, for the next four years, he belongs, to save our republic. 

In the meantime, Joe Biden clings to power the way a tick clings to your leg after falling out of a tree and latching on.  We have all likely had this happen.  The tick at first is not noticeable, but that little itch becomes a closer look, and once seen, one recoils in horror at the blood-sucking parasite and immediately crushes it, lest it infect anyone else. 

Today, the Democrats, the Marxists, the communists, are the parasites, the ticks, the leeches, the blood-suckers destroying our nation.  It’s time we pluck them from our body politic and restore our health. 

It is nice to wax poetic about unity, but one does not unify with parasites. 

Meanwhile, the debate over the Biden presidency rages.  Is he in, or is he out?  There are factions on both sides, and they are ripping the Democrat party to shreds, in real time, quite publicly.  It is not a pretty sight, unless of course you are a normal, patriotic American.  If you are, well, it’s kind of awe-inspiring to see your enemy tearing itself apart. 

The Deep State is in a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” position, and it couldn’t be a sweeter spot for us normals.  The case for replacing Biden is strong, but the logistics of doing so is devastating for the blue party.  If they dump Biden, and scorn Harris, they get no campaign cash.  Some states will not, at this point, allow ballot changes, except in the context of death.  Kind of a bind they find themselves in. 

No one on the right is wishing for the death of Joe Biden.  No, we want this caricature of a president dragged into the final contest on 11/5/2024, alive and kicking, and mumbling, and slurring, and fumbling.

And the Deep State knows, at this point, it has no choice but to allow the will of the people, the real, normal, patriotic, red-white-and-blue people, to have their true choice for president, Donald Trump, to win.  So assassination attempt notwithstanding, the Deep State is going to give this one up and hope it still has enough power, under cover of darkness, to ride out the next four years. 

You can already see it — the desperation, the fear, the unhinged rhetoric that was “turned down” for all of about 36 hours.  They know they are going to lose.  The pivot will now be in place.  They will stick with Old Joe, the “Unifier,” the “working man,” the “most accomplished statesman to ever take the world stage”...yeah, that guy. 

Because now they need a fall guy, and it has to be either Biden or Harris.  It can’t be anyone else, because their “new blood” supply is quite thin and must be given an infusion of serious contenders going forward.  There will be no replacement in 2024.  The real target is now 2028, with a Newsom, or a Whitmer, or some other “rising star” on the left. 

Mark my words: Trump will win in a landslide, and the next four years will be spent demonizing every act the Trump administration takes.  J.D. Vance will be vilified and given the same “literally Hitler” treatment every other Republican who takes a stand is given. 

But they will concede this one, for the sake of time.  The next four years are the “regroup, refresh, re-brand” years.  Keep in mind that the Democrat/Marxist/communist cabal never sleeps.  They play the long game.  We, so far, do not.  This must change if we are ever to restore our country to true greatness.  We too must learn to play the long game, to bring fresh new talent, like J.D. Vance, into the equation.  Otherwise, we will forever be playing defense, when we should be playing offense. 

In summary, we must FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!  Or someday soon, our descendants will look up from their chains and wonder why, when we had the opportunity, we didn’t take it. 

This November, vote for Donald Trump, and for every down-ballot MAGA candidate you can find.  Posterity will thank you for it, and the world will be a far safer, better, more peaceful, more prosperous, and more beautiful place. 

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