The whys have it!

In America, the vaunted and valued idea about our freedom of the press has been diminished and devalued because the Biden administration has protected President Biden from vigorous questioning.  In fact, Biden has had few free-wheeling press conferences, where the basic What? Where? When? And Why? by the press can give the president the opportunity to articulate reasonable and important answers.

I offer these Whys.

Why does the USA pay 4% of GNP to NATO?

Why are other NATO members asked to pay nearly 2% of GNP?

Why do many NATO members not even pay their 2%?

Why do feckless Democrats claim that President Trump would drop out of NATO when he merely stoutly insists that NATO members pay what they owe, or he would forcefully question if America would defend them?

Why has America given hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars for Ukraine’s defense, but Biden puts restrictions on types of weapons and when or if they can be used?

Why too few and too late jet planes for Ukraine’s defense?

Why is Biden always implying fear of Putin’s “nuclear threat” when it is always Putin’s ace with which  to threaten the world and thus intimidate Biden?

Why does Biden forget JFK’s willingness to assert a profile of courage toward Russia?

Why does Biden imply that it is unpatriotic for Trump or Republicans to question or demand accounting for our taxpayer dollars spent for Ukraine’s defense?

Why does Biden in his budget for America’s defense allot 3% or less, and 4% to NATO?

Why, in connection to defense spending, does Biden not talk about his domestic spending in connection to our soaring national debt?

Why, if an accomplished and well trained neurologist has visited the White House presumably to either examine Joe Biden or confer with Biden’s physician several times about his medical care, are we not informed of the results of such consultation?

Why did a competent neurologist not recommend appropriate brain scans and thorough  cognitive testing?

I think the Whys have it!

The American people need their questions answered in detail.

<p><em>Image via <a  data-cke-saved-href=

Image via PickPik.

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