The White House Mummy

The puppeteers of the still-living-in-Washington Mummy decided that one shameful performance by the disobedient ex-favorite was not enough.  The first episode — the debate with Donald Trump — did not put an end to it.  In the second episode, entitled “The Interview,” the Clinton clan chose a functionary and part-time ABC journalist, George Stephanopoulos, as the political executioner.

However, Stephanopoulos’s interlocutor has long been living in the world of his own fantasies.  Therefore, he did not even understand that within 22 minutes, the remnants of his political capital were methodically destroyed.  The network recorded Stephanopoulos’s interview instead of broadcasting it live.  This implies that some high-ranking apparatchik looked at the recording and gave the go-ahead.  That means that the narcissistic maniac Biden’s words, “I run the world!,” spoken during the interview, had to be made public.  It means that this was a pre-coordinated campaign to excommunicate the former party leader from the cult of leftism.

So what was the result?  The White House Mummy received marching orders from an obsessive nurse named Jill, who for some reason haunts him day and night, stating that they must carry on with the race.  That is why Jill’s husband declared on July 5, 2024 that he would “defeat Trump again in the 2020 election.”

From a functional point of view, the White House Mummy is not only decrepit, but also mentally disabled.  What conclusions can be drawn from all this?  The most significant conclusion is that Biden’s candidacy now needs to be supported in every possible way.  Our readers must call their Democrat relatives and friends and tell them that Biden is America’s future.  That he should continue the race.  That he is our last opportunity. 

More precisely, all hope lies in Jill’s stubborn reluctance to leave the apartment where she has been accustomed to command for the last three and a half years — everything, from the color of the curtains to the withdrawal of troops to the betrayal of Israel to the non-supply of weapons to Ukraine.

Let’s count on that slogan “All in for Biden!,” proposed by American conservatives, for the summer of 2024 will finally unite a divided America.  We all should support the lip-slapper who, according to him, created NATO (the alliance was founded in 1949, when Biden was seven years old).  Indeed, how can one be against a pioneer who proudly announced that he is “the first black woman to serve with a black president”?

In 2019, 350 American psychiatrists sent a letter to the United States Congress.  They argued that Trump’s mental health was dangerously deteriorating, that he was mentally unstable and a threat to our country’s security.  Where are these 350 psychic authorities now?  Why are they silent?  Has Trump really recovered?  How, exactly?  Isn’t Trump still a threat to our country in 2024?  Has American punitive psychiatry finally outdone Soviet psychiatry?

We have to rule out any malicious intent on the American psychiatrists’ part.  It is highly plausible that they did not receive the latest DNC directive.  Nevertheless, sixteen Nobel laureates in economics got it and swiftly concocted a letter.  It was only thanks to them that Americans finally learned with relief that Bidenomics is significantly better than Trumponomics, and life under Trump was considerably worse than under the dear leader and lover of sniffing children, Biden.

So, from now until November of this year, we all need to support Jill Biden’s genuine aspirations of not moving anywhere.  However, the ruthless civil war between Democrat party factions is gaining momentum.  It may happen that the amorous Vice Mummy, with clinically questionable mental capacity, will be thrown overboard along with the Mummy.

That will lead to a state of political chaos, the consequences of which only a “convicted felon” (Trump) can cope with.

Gary Gindler, Ph.D. is a conservative columnist at Gary Gindler Chronicles and author of the book Left Imperialism (2024).  Follow him on Twitter/X.

<p><em>Image: Gage Skidmore via <a  data-cke-saved-href=


Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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