The main problem (for Democrats) with replacing Biden

Does everyone understand the incredible can of worms that our comrades of the fascist far left have opened?  The last — and only — president to resign from office was Richard Nixon, and he did so almost 50 years ago on Aug. 9, 1974, after the Watergate scandal.  It was a traumatic experience and a memorable event for those who were around at that time.

If you thought the debate debacle brought a lot of attention to the deception of the far-left media and the severity of the problems within the “Democratic” party, it would pale in comparison to the entire country wondering just what is going on with the far-left ruling class.  That is what the left is setting up for itself if it goes the “easy” route of getting rid of Biden.

This is where the far left finds itself, the worst example of being between a rock and a hard place.  If they stay with Biden and his cognitive decline, recent events will have most people taking notice, and they will be watching.  The fascist far-left ruling class and their media minions won’t be able to deny the obvious.  They won’t be able to memory-hole their reports of his dementia.  They won’t be able to lie and chalk it up to “cheap fakes.”  Then it’ll be a long, slow grind as he declines.

But it will be a political earthquake of inestimable proportions if they decide to replace him.  The sudden change will reverberate throughout the world.  If you thought the debate was something, the chaos of dropping from the race or resigning will be worse by several orders of magnitude.  Everyone, and we mean everyone, will sit up and take notice.

Anyone who hasn’t kept up with current events will suddenly wonder why he’s resigning.  When it’s explained that it’s because of his cognitive condition, everyone will want to know why we didn’t hear of this before.  Why was there a cover-up?  Why did they blame this on “cheap fakes”?  And if they can’t trust the fascist far-left media to be truthful on this, can they trust them on anything else?

Think of all the different details they’ll have to work out.  Is Biden going to just drop out of the race?  Or is he going to join the ranks of Richard Nixon and resign?  When is he going to leave?  How are they going to get Dr. Jill to go along with this?  Who would take his place?  Kamala or someone else?  Are the Democrats going to just pick a random name out of the D.C. phone book?  Who is going to be the vice president?

It’s going to be a historic moment.  They aren’t going to be able to sweep it under the rug and have a quick changeover on a Friday afternoon after the day’s news cycle.  


You know that the far-left media are severely conflicted and crying for help when Politico is playing games with news headlines: “What Happens If Biden Does Step Down? According to History: A Mess.”  Later changed to a more sedate “This Wouldn’t Be the First Time an Incumbent Stepped Aside. Here’s What Happened Last Time.”

Any move to replace Biden just four months before the election carries considerable risk. The party can ill afford to pass over its sitting vice president, Kamala Harris, who represents a core Democratic constituency as a Black woman — but Harris consistently underperforms in polling. And allowing delegates to make such a momentous decision, negating the will of millions of primary voters and turning a nomination process that has been the norm for decades upside-down, is surely a recipe for division and rancor.

Isn’t it funny how fate always seems to deal the sinister set a bad hand?  It was another Democrat who decided not to run, setting up for chaos in Chicago:

But it’s not like we haven’t been here before. On March 31, 1968, Lyndon B. Johnson stunned the nation when he announced that he was pulling out of that year’s presidential election. The Democratic National Convention that followed several months later devolved into chaos and violence and left the party’s eventual nominee, Vice President Hubert Humphrey, hobbled at the start of the fall campaign season. He ultimately lost a painfully close election to Richard Nixon, in no small part because of the unruly convention in Chicago.

So as the clock ticks, the left is running out of options: leave Biden in place, and no one will have any excuse for not knowing of his condition.  Or if he resigns, it will be a historic event that people are going to remember for decades, showing that there is something seriously wrong with the “Democrat” party.

These leftists are truly in a bad situation of their creation.  Will they come up with a trick play as their October surprise?  We can only guess what that could be.  Like a cornered wild animal, this is when they will be the most dangerous.

D Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, former director of communications for a civil rights organization, and a long-time contributor to conservative websites.  Find him on Substack.

<p><em>Image: zenjazzygeek via <a  data-cke-saved-href=

Image: zenjazzygeek via FlickrCC BY 2.0.

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