Say ‘Ahhhh!’

We are deep into the 2024 presidential election cycle, and already we’ve had an assassination attempt, a ridiculous excuse for a substantive debate, and a major party candidate, Joe Biden, has dropped out of the race for reasons suspected to be related to his health.  What else could happen?

Wait a minute! The replacement candidate for Biden is none other than his current vice president, Kamala Harris.  Most people, Republicans, Democrats, and independents alike, believe Kamala was originally an accommodation to the Democrat Party ticket  in 2020.  After all, she is black...sort of...and she is a woman.  She became a placeholder balance on the Democrat ticket to avoid the charge that the Democrats were just nominating another old, white guy.  The DNC never considered Kamala as presidential material.

Most Americans believe Kamala Harris is a political lightweight.  Her cackling laughter is like fingernails on a chalkboard. Her performance as the border czar was non-existent. Ms. Harris, as a U.S. Senator, posted the most liberal voting record of any senator.  And despite all her verbal gaffes, voting flaws, border czar ignorance, and general inability to convey even the slightest image as a possible respected commander-in-chief, she has emerged in recent weeks as a viable candidate.  Money is pouring in and polls are rising.

How can this be???

The Democrat power elitists have lined up foursquare behind her, effectively shutting down any possible late season alternative candidates.  The Democrat party now believes they will “ride Ms. Harris” to victory in November, come hell or high water.  And how did this turnabout come to be?

After all, most American citizens firmly believed that Biden’s dropping out of the election campaign was a godsend.  The “tongue in cheek” analysis was that Biden's clear loss of mental acuity was a guarantee that Trump would sweep into office on an electoral tsunami.  Replacing Biden with Kamala at the head of the Democrat ticket would only increase the margin of victory for Trump.

“Not so fast!” comes the chorus from the DNC.  They hold onto three election year strategies that they are sure will drive their campaign to victory.

First off, accumulate a large campaign war chest of money, and use it to attack the character of Trump.  Remind the American public how arrogant and bombastic Trump was during his first term in office.  Trump is vulnerable here, and the Democrats will focus intently on his personal character flaws.

Secondly, target the women voters, especially black women voters.  Electing a woman to the presidency is, in their collective minds, long overdue.  The Obama effect of a minority in the White House is still a powerful political goal.

The third strategy is the coup de grâce...voter fraud.  The Democrats have already placed thousands of illegal immigrants into the so-called “swing states.” Now they must register them to vote through the many “”motor-voter” and similar hoax programs.  In the “swing states,” the 2020 election margins were small...generally just tens of thousands of votes.  With hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens having been located in these key states, overcoming just ten thousand votes legally cast will be no problem. (For example, in Arizona, a person is allowed to vote in the federal election, even without proof of citizenship.)

As a further case in point, in Arizona during the 2020 election, voter fraud was rampant...and was the deciding factor in most races.  Mail-in ballots from non-existent addresses by non-existent citizens were commonplace.  So brazen was the fraud that the perpetrators didn’t even bother to match the fraudulent ballots with the stationary of legitimate ballots.  The election wasn’t free and fair…and Arizona turned blue.

Protests of this fraud fell on deaf ears in the courts...which were the last resort.  By the time the issues gained access to legitimate court hearings, time...the major ally of the fraudster...had elapsed irreversibly.  Rare is the judge who will undo a fraudulent  election after new governments have been installed.

So the Democrats now don’t worry about weak polling for their candidates.  The game plan is VICIOUSLY ATTACK THE CHARACTER OF CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATES and keep the polls close enough to pull the election out with fraudulent votes.

It has worked countless times before.  And although a paltry few elections have been overturned due to fraud, it is a very rare occurrence.

Paper ballots from voters with valid picture IDs, and counted by hand, in one day, is the only remedy.  As much as mail-in ballots are a convenience, they are simply too easy to manipulate.

The thought of a President Harris is impossible to accept.

It may, however, just be shoved down the throat of America.

Say “Ahhhh!" America.

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Image: Free image, Pixabay license.

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