Politics is like a grandfather clock

The recent outrageous, often unhinged, rhetoric from the left, the DNC, and other assorted self-styled elites regarding the position in which they find themselves now that Biden’s mental deficits are fully revealed reminds me of my grandmother and her beloved heirloom grandfather clock.

Politics are like a traditional grandfather clock because:

  • It is typically large, impressive, and expensive;
  • It makes a lot of noise at regular intervals;
  • It requires frequent ‘jerking of the chain’ to keep it ‘ticking’ along;
  • It cannot be relied upon to accurately ‘tell’ the time.

As we grandchildren discovered, when you gave the pendulum a nudge, it could be relied upon to swing erratically from left to right, and back again, never displaying the correct time until a greater force, gravity, would slowly return it to equilibrium. In fact, if you gave it a hard enough shove, the pendulum would swing so erratically that the chain would slip, and everything would crash to the floor.

Image by AI.

The level of chaos created, of course, always depends on how hard you were willing to nudge that pendulum. This is nothing new. Politics have always been conducted in this fashion, sometimes worse, sometimes better, but always inherently distasteful, if not downright dishonest.

However, with the advent of Donald J. Trump on the American Political scene, the level of ugliness began to descend into chaos, deceit, and lawlessness. Then, just when we were beginning to believe, perhaps hopefully, that the political machinations could go no lower, along came Donald J. Trump 2.0 (aka Trump 2024). We are now seeing a new mutation of TDS being displayed by the self-styled elites, the MSM, and the Deep-State.

The political apparatchiks, unwilling to have their power challenged, are now unleashing their own special brand of insanity on the American people, the Constitution, and the very structure of our nation.

The pendulum and the chain have crashed to the floor, and we cannot “tell the time.”

The United States of America is facing a constitutional crisis. Meanwhile, Congress, the White House, and the DNC, behaving like the Roman Emperor Nero, who reputedly fiddled while Rome burned, are again gaslighting the American public with rhetoric about whether it’s wise or possible to replace Biden as the Democrat nominee.

This is not the Question. If Joe Biden is not fit to run for reelection, Joe Biden is not fit to hold the office of the president of America.

The correct question is one of “time.” On which date will the 25th Amendment challenge against President Joe Biden’s fitness to hold the Executive Office be presented to the American Congress?

The rest is a waste of time, for it’s simply fiddling with the pendulum.

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