Our post-truth world

Did you know that the Oxford Dictionaries selected “post-truth” as the Word of the Year for 2016?  Both the selection of “post-truth” and the timing of its selection are remarkable.  

In 2016, Americans elected Donald Trump — and you and I are confident that Trump actually was elected in 2016.  That is, we believe that the statement “Trump was elected in 2016” is both true and known to be true.  But in 2020, you and I learned that we somehow no longer live in the world we have always known.  Ours is now a strange new world — a post-truth world.  In that world, we are told Joe Biden was elected in 2020 — but we know better.  You and I are confident that the statement “Biden was elected in 2020” is not true.

What an astonishing change!

That change is not limited to the ongoing fraud that has replaced elections in America.  “Post-truth” is everywhere you look. 

For example, consider the economy.  We know better than to believe what we are being told about it.  In a brilliant and reader-friendly commentary on the economy, “Where Are the Signs of Economic Life?,” the always reliable Jeffrey Tucker discusses what he terms the “post-truth world of finance”:

[T]he data now coming out from the federal government has become highly suspect. The jobs data, the inflation data, and even the GDP data has become a tool for political propaganda. ... This is a rather new trend but it is well known.

We are constantly told that the economy is doing great — but you and I know better.  As Tucker writes, the truth about the economy “is well known.”

The constant repetition of “Biden was elected in 2020” or “Bidenomics is working great” does not make either statement true.  You and I know this, and the people who rigged the election and the people who are rigging the economic data know it, too. 

Welcome to the post-truth world!

So what about 2024?

I am pretty certain I do not need to tell you that the people who will be rigging the upcoming election are counting on getting away with it again.  Why are they so confident?  They know that the post-truth world belongs to them, and they intend to make their world your world, whether you like it or not.

Robert Curry is the author of Reclaiming Common Sense: Finding Truth in a Post-Truth World and Common Sense Nation: Unlocking the Forgotten Power of the American Idea.  Both are from Encounter Books.

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