I can't trust Kamala Harris -- and neither should you

Kamala Harris's rise in American politics has been hailed as a historic breakthrough. Yet a closer examination of her career reveals a trail of controversies and questionable decisions that raise serious doubts about her integrity and suitability as a political leader. From leveraging personal relationships for political gain to inconsistencies in her policy stances and questionable actions during her tenure as California’s top law enforcement official, Kamala Harris’s track record is riddled with actions that betray the trust of the American people. Her career, marred by allegations of opportunism, hypocrisy, and ethical lapses, provides compelling reasons to question her capability to lead with honesty and integrity. Here’s why Kamala Harris should be a figure of skepticism rather than trust in American politics.

One of the earliest and most significant controversies surrounding Kamala Harris is her relationship with Willie Brown, a powerful California politician. Brown openly admitted to having a lengthy affair with Harris and appointing her to two lucrative state commissions: the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and the Medical Assistance Commission. These positions reportedly paid her over $400,000 over five years. These appointments based on sexual relationships rather than merit, cast a long shadow over Harris's career narrative and raise ethical questions about her integrity and the legitimacy of her rise in politics.

As California's attorney general, Harris oversaw the prosecution of over 1,900 marijuana-related offenses. Despite this hardline stance, she adopted a pro-legalization position, even admitting to having used marijuana herself in a 2019 interview, when it became politically expedient to do so. This stark contrast between her actions and her public statements demonstrates a troubling inconsistency that calls into question her authenticity and reliability as a policymaker. Kamala Harris’s DA office also had to dismiss over 1,000 drug cases when a court ruled in 2010 that her office knowingly did not disclose knowledge of tainted drug evidence.

While running for the Democratic Party’s  presidential nomination against Joe Biden in 2019, Harris shook the Democratic Party by stating that she believed the multiple women who said they were victims of unwanted touching from Joe Biden. Harris's decision to join Biden's presidential ticket after previously accusing him of sexual misconduct is another point of contention. Her sudden shift from a fierce critic to a running mate suggests a willingness to compromise her principles for political expediency. This move, perceived by many as a blatant display of opportunism, undermines her credibility and raises doubts about her commitment to the issues she once championed.

Kamala Harris's office has been criticized for covering up police misconduct. In 2015, the Orange County District Attorney's Office was removed from a death penalty trial due to an unconstitutional jailhouse informant program, but Harris's office appealed the removal. Additionally, in 2010, a California superior court judge criticized Harris's office for failing to inform defense lawyers of misconduct by a drug lab technician, leading to the shutdown of a section of the San Francisco police crime lab. These actions not only reflect poorly on her judgment but also highlight a disturbing disregard for justice and accountability.

One of the most egregious examples of Harris's questionable ethics involves her office's suppression of evidence that could have exonerated an innocent man on death row. Despite evidence pointing to the man's innocence, Harris's office chose to uphold the conviction, an action that has drawn widespread condemnation and further tarnished her record​.

Kamala Harris's political career is fraught with controversies that highlight serious ethical failings. From leveraging personal relationships for political gain through quid pro quo, or at least abuses of power, to inconsistent policy stances and a troubling record as California's top law enforcement official, Harris's actions raise significant doubts about her fitness for leadership. As voters, we must demand integrity, consistency, and accountability from our leaders. Based on her track record, Kamala Harris has repeatedly shown that she falls short of these essential qualities. For these reasons, I cannot trust Kamala Harris as a political leader, and neither should you.

Parker McCumber is a doctoral student, entrepreneur, commissioned officer in the National Guard, and a political and economic contributor. Follow him on X @Parker_McCumber.

Image: Gage Skidmore

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