How do you solve a problem like Kamala?

The cackling diversity hire of a vice president is a disaster, not just for Democrat election prospects, but for the nation and the world.  Let us review her portfolio.

She entered the 2019 presidential primary, but dropped out of the race early, after being crushed in the debate by Tulsi Gabbard.  Her one shining debate moment was when she accurately condemned Biden for working with segregationists, stopping just short of calling him a racist.

She earned zero delegates in the primary.  She was bested by the likes of Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren, “Mini Mike” Bloomberg, “Pothole” Pete Buttigieg, and Amy Klobuchar (who?).  Her support among Democrat voters has not improved since.  When Biden won the nomination, he followed through (a rarity) on his promise to choose a woman of color as his running mate.  Apparently, Kamala won the coin toss over Stacey Abrams.

As vice president, she was tapped in March 2021 as the point person to lead the administration’s efforts to secure our southern border.  After one trip to Mexico and Guatemala, she released her strategy to address the “root causes” of migration.  The strategy identifies the root causes of migration as corruption, violence, trafficking, and poverty.  Duh!  She further identified the pandemic and “extreme weather conditions” as exacerbating factors.  (Seriously!) No mention of illegal immigrants from over 100 countries around the world.  No mention of the tens of thousands of military-age males arriving from the Middle East, China, and Russia.  No specific plan of action to stem the tide or secure the border.  We can see the results.

In February 2022, Harris was sent to Europe to meet with Zelenskyy and other world leaders to discuss the escalating crisis in Ukraine. Four days later, Russia invaded Ukraine.  It seems likely that this situation was entirely beyond her control, and that she was simply Biden’s sacrificial lamb.  But still, this does not inspire confidence in her diplomatic abilities.

We can skip over her undistinguished single term in the Senate, and the launch of her political career as attorney general of California, “under” the tutelage of Willie Brown.  More recently, we hear persistent rumors that she is hated by her White House staff, which suffers from high turnover.  Also, who could fail to appreciate her totally cringeworthy eloquence regarding  space, Venn diagrams, school buses, and the passage of time?

But perhaps most egregious is her continued defense of Biden’s mental acuity and fitness for office, even post-debate.  It is clear to anyone paying attention that he has been going downhill rapidly over the last year, and that he was showing signs of decline as early as the 2020 campaign.  Harris has had a front-row seat, and her dishonest defense of his mental capacity goes well beyond mere loyalty.  Section 4 of the 25th Amendment clearly identifies the vice president as responsible, with concurrence of a majority of the cabinet, to determine when the president is unable to discharge his powers and duties, and to transmit this finding to House and Senate leadership.  She has willfully failed in this constitutional mandate and has thus put this nation in danger.

The security of this nation demands that Biden -- who is clearly incapacitated -- be replaced as president now, never mind the presidential campaign.  And the only choice is, God help us, Vice President Harris.  Will the Democrat party elite and puppet-masters actually take this step?  Unlikely.  Instead, they will try to leave Biden in place and rig the candidate nomination, absent voter input, just like they rigged their last two campaigns.  They have chosen their DEI candidate and now we all must suffer the consequences.

Image: U.S. Senate

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