Fighting the left's obsession with power

Leftists is more adroit at manipulation; they’ve been doing it a lot longer.  After all, their political philosophy is one of destruction and control.  Just look at socialism or communism, whose principle characteristic is control.  That said, one can’t distinguish the good guys today by simple political affiliation.  There are far too many Rs who also seek power above all.

Any person who places power (control) above principle is going to fall into the same pit of evil.

The only protection against falling into this trap of worldly power is a higher principle, an ethos, something greater than us.

This battle, against power or control, has been waged since time immemorial.  The characteristics that distinguish a successful civilization are recorded for all to see.  Read Joseph Campbell, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, or the ancient philosophers, or study the great religions.  The message and historical lessons are so similar.

The antidote to control and power is freedom, liberty, and the right to choose.  These are individual traits.  The gift of freedom resides with the individual, not with a nation or a clan.

This is the rock-solid foundation on which our nation was built.  It is a difficult concept for many to grasp: our constitutional republic was created, and its laws forged, to protect the rights of the individual from our own government.

This article by Victor Davis Hanson lays out the extreme danger we face in our nation and the world.

Freedom requires constant vigilance.  It is far from free, as our warriors can attest.  Representative government requires that citizens, individuals, take responsibility to enlighten and monitor those politicians they elect, because in electing them, we give politicians power over us.

Power is corrosive.  It must be contained.  Our Constitution and Articles do just that — when we demand adherence to them.

Jay Davidson is founder and CEO of a commercial bank.  He is a student of the Austrian School of Economics and a dedicated capitalist.  He believes that there is a direct connection joining individual right and responsibility, our Constitution, capitalism, and the intent of our Creator.

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